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Certv presents Christmas specials for its radio and television stations

The State Radio and Television Corporation (Certv) presented its special program “Live Christmas” on Christmas Eve and Christmas, with expressions of cultured and popular music broadcast live, second-hand films, and solidarity testimonies from representatives of the diaspora.

The programming, which is part of the changes presented by the new management of the state radio-television entity, included on Christmas Eve the production “Celebrate Christmas”, from the Eduardo Brito National Theater, with Cecilia García, Maridalia Hernández, Frank Ceara, Roberto del Castillo , Paola González, Amaury Sánchez, among others, under the leadership of Ruth Ocumarez and José Lora (Checho).

On Christmas Eve, Christmas and New Year’s Eve, CERTV has films about the spirit of Christmas on the billboard.

On Christmas Day, the 4th and 17th, they broadcast “Una Canción para ti”, with the Symphonic Orchestra of the National Theater, directed by maestro Dante Cucurullo and the Children’s Choir of the National Theater, conducted by Ángel Herdz.

The Perelló Cultural Center gave its concert “Symphonic Christmas”, a special broadcast to celebrate Induban’s 75th anniversary, through Channel 4RD, by the National Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of maestro José Antonio Molina, and the special participation by the soprano Nathalie Peña Comas.

The Chamber Choir of the Ministry of Culture, Koribe, also participated.

In addition, CERTV featured different popular artists that included Pavel Núñez and other popular song stars, a segment presented by talents Manuel Meccariello and Katia Gutiérrez.

+ In the new year

For Friday, January 1, at 11 am, the New Year will be received with the transmission of the lyrical concert by Nathalie Peña Comas, who has as special guests the maestro Rafael Solano and Johnny Ventura.

The programming shown by the CERTV media includes the Christmas message from President Luis Abinader and his wife, exhorting families to protect themselves and celebrate the Christmas season together.

In addition, they maintain advisories from Radio Televisión Dominicana urging the people to respect the prevention measures and restrictions recommended by the authorities.

CERTV have maintained a motivational campaign to celebrate Christmas at home, taking carols to neighborhoods and their staff, which they air through their 4 channels, Radio Televisión Dominicana, and RTVD-17, and the radio stations Dominicana and Quisqueya FM and Radio Santo Domingo 620 AM.

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