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Certain blood values ​​could predict fatal outcome

  • Severe course of illness with corona infection can meet anyone
  • Study from Graz shows: New Biomarker could predict a particularly severe course
  • Deadly “Inflammatory Storm” by Covid could be prevented by this

Infection with the corona virus can take a different course in every person. While some people have only mild symptoms, especially at the moment due to the omicron variant, the disease has already ended fatally in millions of people worldwide. researchers of Medical University of Graz have now found a way, like such particularly severe illnesses recognized early can become.

Predict fatal course of corona: Research team from Graz discovers possible biomarker

“What often begins with harmless symptoms develops in some people after five to fourteen days to a life-threatening pneumonia, whereby this severe course of the disease can really affect anyone,” says in a statement from the university. It was therefore the aim of the scientists a forecasting tool to be developed in order to determine the further course of the infection in the first few days of illness. The treatment of corona patients could “if necessary be adjusted and made even more effective”, so Harald Mangge from the Clinical Institute for Medical and Chemical Laboratory Diagnostics University of Graz.

The first results of Mangge’s team were published in the specialist journal “Antioxidants” released. The researchers looked in particular at the deadly form of Covid-19. This goes with a cytokine storm, also called “inflammatory storm”., along. The immune system overreacts massively and begins to attack itself. The defense cells are activated by the messenger substance cytokine – hence the name of the overreaction.

“The initially saving immune reaction against the virus ends in a kind of immunological-inflammatory suicide”, says Mangge. If the immune system gets out of control in this way, the body’s own organs are also destroyed, especially the lungs. If the inflammatory storm exceeds a certain level, all medical aids fail and the corona infection is fatal.

A blood value in corona sufferers is particularly high

The research team themselves Blood samples from Covid patients from the first and second wave of infection and searched for possible signs that could indicate a later fatal course in the early phase of the disease. In technical terms, this is from Biomarkern the speech. In addition to the previously known laboratory values, such as inflammation values, the scientists concentrated on the tryptophan metabolism. Tryptophan is one of the amino acids, the building blocks for proteins, and also plays an important role in the immune system.

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Relevant for Covid-19 is a breakdown product of the amino acid: Kynurenin. Because this breakdown product in turn influences the activity of the T cells, the “helper cells” of the immune system. “Our research has shown that the Kynurenine blood levels in Covid-19 patients with a fatal course of the disease relatively early at the onset of the disease very much increased were,” says Mangge. The substance could therefore a new biomarker and give an early reason to adjust the therapy for the affected person.

The researchers could not yet say what the treatment of corona patients with elevated kynurenine levels should look like. According to Mangge, for example, would be a timely one high doses of cortisone conceivable to avert the fatal course. However, more people would have to be examined for this. “The fact is that kynurenine plays a role in the immune response. Whether its elevation is the result or cause of abnormal immune responses that can lead to a deadly inflammatory storm, needs further research“, said Mangge.

Other scientists have also dealt with biomarkers of severe corona disease. The University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf is working on a blood test that can determine the course of the disease and the risk of death.

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