Home » today » Health » “Cerebral Hemorrhage”: In 2014, 20.77% of Thai people died, young people of working age were also born.

“Cerebral Hemorrhage”: In 2014, 20.77% of Thai people died, young people of working age were also born.

In 2024, the death rate from cerebral hemorrhage is as high as 20.77%.

  • According to the report of the Ministry of Public Health in 2023, it was found that there was a high death rate from the disease.Cerebral hemorrhage 21.13% and in 2024, data has not yet been collected for the entire year, the number is as high as 20.77%.
  • Cerebral hemorrhageEven at a young age, working age can occur. Not only in the elderly But the reasons can vary according to age.
  • Cerebral hemorrhageIn young people, causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention, and symptoms of a stroke that needs to be taken to the hospital. Treat quickly and reduce disability and death.

Cerebral Hemorrhage Many people may think that this only happens in the elderly. But it can happen in any age group. But there can be different reasons depending on age.

With cerebrovascular disease or stroke (stroke), although most may occur in the elderly. But it can be found in up to 15% of people under 50 years of age. If it is found in patients under 40 years of age, it is classified as a stroke in a young person or a stroke in the young.

A stroke It is a condition where there is no blood supply to the brain due to cerebral artery stenosis, blockage, or a broken blood vessel. As a result of the destruction of brain tissue. Causes some or all of the brain to function abnormally. Symptoms usually come on suddenly. Which happens more often in people who are older.
According to the report of the Ministry of Public Health in 2023, the death rate from hemorrhagic stroke was found to be 21.13%, and in 2024, when data was not yet collected for the whole year, it was found to be the number as high as. 20.77%.

Causes of cerebral hemorrhage: young age, working age

Dr. Amporn Benjaphonpitak Director General of the Department of Medical Services said that the patients were young and the causes that were found were often caused by aortic aneurysms. or abnormal blood vessels In this group of patients, there are usually no abnormal symptoms until the problem of broken blood vessels occurs. So there are neurological symptoms.

In addition, patients with long-term uncontrolled high blood pressure cause the walls of the blood vessel to erode, tear, and eventually cause the blood vessel in the brain to rupture. breaking causes bleeding in the brain It can cause paralysis, paralysis or death.

Brain hemorrhage symptoms

Cerebral hemorrhage symptoms: Said Asst. like never before
Along with symptoms of neurological disorders such as abnormal consciousness, slurred speech, weakness in one side of the limbs.
Neurological symptoms depend on the location of the bleeding. And if there is blood in the cerebellum, the patient may be stopped, have difficulty balancing, and may not speak clearly, which may resemble a drunken person. . Because of this part of the brain It serves to control the smooth movement of different parts of the body.
When the patient has these symptoms The patient should be transported to the nearest hospital immediately. to receive emergency diagnosis and treatment

Treatment of cerebral hemorrhage

Dr. Tasanee Tantiritthasak Deputy Medical Director Acting Director of the Institute of Neurology said that there are guidelines for diagnosis and treatment The doctor will take a history, perform a physical examination and send for brain x-rays. To confirm the presence of brain hemorrhage and the condition of the abnormality to plan the treatment The death rate in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage is very high.

If the patient can get to the hospital quickly Get a diagnosis and treatment quickly. It can reduce disability and death.
Treatment depends on the location and amount of bleeding. If there is some bleeding Supportive treatment can be given and blood pressure can be controlled at an appropriate level. But if the level of bleeding is high It may be necessary to have surgery to drain the blood. and reduce intracranial pressure

If the cause of the bleeding is due to abnormal blood vessels or an aortic aneurysm the doctor will consider catheterization treatment to close the abnormal blood vessel passage. or it may need to be treated with a combination of different methods

“Prevention of cerebral hemorrhage is more important for patients with high blood pressure. Blood pressure should be monitored, treated, and controlled to a good degree at all times. To reduce the risk of brain hemorrhage. And when you have symptoms that make you suspect you’re having a stroke, such as difficulty speaking, your mouth drooping, weakness in your arms and legs, or stopping suddenly, go to the hospital as soon as possible. as possible. Because I know the symptoms Go to the hospital quickly. The chance of survival and being free from paralysis will be higher,” said Dr. Tasanee.

However, Rama 9 Hospital has identified factors that cause stroke in young people as factors that cause fat to clog and damage blood vessels. which can cause stroke in all age groups. in the younger age group that cannot control such a congenital disease Fat restriction may cause. and they are at risk of having a stroke

2024-08-07 20:22:23

#Cerebral #Hemorrhage #Thai #people #died #young #people #working #age #born

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