Home » today » News » Cereal crops, nursing homes, hospitals, transport… How Eure-et-Loir is organizing itself to cope with high heat

Cereal crops, nursing homes, hospitals, transport… How Eure-et-Loir is organizing itself to cope with high heat

With 34°C registered in mercury, Wednesday July 13, 2022 in the afternoon, in Chartres, it seems that the peak of heat in the department has been reached for this week. Météo France announces more breathable temperatures in the coming days : 31°C, this Thursday July 14, in Chartres, 27°C, Friday July 15 and 28°C, Saturday July 16.

“The thresholds which allow to certify a heat wave are not reached in Eure-et-Loir, specifies Nadine Plunian, meteorological technician at Météo France. It must be at least 34°C in the afternoon and at least 18°C ​​at night and this for three consecutive days. “During the previous episode of heat, on Saturday June 18, it had been 37.8°C in Châteaudun and 37.2°C in Chartres.

Hot weather in Eure-et-Loir: we could reach 40°C on Sunday July 17 and Monday July 18

What are the consequences for cereal crops?

This had no impact on cereal crops. More water fell in Eure-et-Loir than elsewhere in the Centre-Val de Loire region. This is confirmed by a technician from the Eure-et-Loir Chamber of Agriculture. “There is no impact of the drought, as the harvests are underway or at the end. No more water needed. »

Rapeseed and wheat are being harvested. The sunflowers are in the flowering stage and will be harvested in September.

“Corn and beets could suffer from drought, in places in the department where there is no irrigation. »

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In the middle of a heat wave, swimming is again prohibited at the Etangs de Hollande, at the Bréviaires, in the south of Yvelines

The health system adapts

Denis Gelez, departmental director of the Regional Health Agency (ARS) remains vigilant, but he recognizes that “the health system has adapted to these heat episodes and heat waves since 2003. Hospitals, clinics and accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people (Ehpad) all have internal heat wave plans. At the hospital, increased surveillance takes place. It is necessary to drink regularly and to pass moistened wipes on the extremities of the body. The nursing homes all have a blue plan. »

In particular, since 2003, retirement homes have had refreshed rooms. Denis Gelez also stresses that you need to have a monitoring for homeless peoplebecause “contrary to popular belief, there are more deaths in summer than in winter concerning people on the street”.

The County Council ensures compliance
heat-related protocols

The ARS in conjunction with the Departmental Council of Eure-et-Loir ensure “that the protocols related to high heat are respected”, adds Évelyne Lefebvre, vice-president in charge of solidarity, autonomy and public health.

“The hydration of fragile people, the elderly as well as that of young children, must be very regular. It is necessary to limit the exits outside and to have a good hydrating food. In many town halls, registers of elderly or fragile people are kept. »

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Eat light, less meat, drink water, avoid alcohol…: some tips to better withstand hot weather

At the Watercolor nursing home in La Bazoche-Gouet

At the Watercolor nursing home in La Bazoche-Gouet, Dany Forster, the director has been welcoming, since Monday, “elderly people, four to five close neighbors of our nursing home. They come, from 2 to 5 p.m., to enjoy the entertainment in the refreshed room, then they go home”.

The air-conditioned rooms are located at strategic locations in the retirement home: the protected area and the dining room. The director has reinforced the staff of two more staff, at least until next week, in order to “lighten the workload weighed down by the five hydration towers, where residents are encouraged to drink. This is very important because old people do not feel thirsty. »

A coffee-debate organized around the question of nursing homes, in Chartres, to “reassure families”

No rush for air conditioners, but sales increase at Leroy Merlin in Chartres

At the DIY store Leroy Merlin in Chartres, there has not yet been a rush for air conditioners, but sales are gradually increasing.

“Since Monday, we have been selling about ten a day, whereas last week, we sold almost none,” notes William Larbaoui, the store’s sales manager. These seasonal purchases, such as fans, spas, swimming pools or barbecues are difficult to predict in terms of quantity.

“We make bets, because these are stocks that we realize eight months in advance. For air conditioners I bought a large stock, in 2021. And last summer, I sold very few. It is this stock that we are selling this week. Consumer habits have changed. The recurrence of heat episodes means that there is less precipitation in the rays. »

Vigilance messages from the SNCF to travelers

Édouard Amiel, director of communication for SNCF Voyageurs in the Centre-Val de Loire region, details the internal plan.

“We are sending messages of vigilance to passengers. A stock of water is kept in the station, ready to be transported by on-call vehicle in the event of a train getting stuck on the track. »

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On the SNCF network side, measures are being taken. The speed of some trains is lowered, in order to avoid catenary breaks, because the threads relax under the effect of heat. Traffic bans are taken on freight lines when the rail temperature reaches 45°C. This ban could be maintained until July 21.

Reinforcements at L’Odyssée in Chartres

Rodolphe Boussin, the director of Vert Marine, which manages the Odyssée in Chartres, expects to have “a very good week in terms of attendance. We hope it will go very well”. There is an internal heat wave plan, which allows in particular to put in place reinforcements of staff, lifeguards. Security has also been reinforced with additional security guards, who belong to the Cinq sur cinq company, in order to avoid overflows in the event of heavy traffic.

With the heat wave, the animals also suffer from the heat!

Restricted hours
at Crespin Nurseries, in Villemaury

In some stores, we are also organizing to fight against the heat. For example, at Crespin nurseries in Villemaury, officials have decided to close the store in the afternoons, until Saturday, “in view of the heat in the greenhouses. The store will be open from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., except today Thursday when it will be closed all day.

Claire Beguin

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