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Cerberus and Griphon arrive and they are scary: alarm if you have these symptoms

Covid alarm, the new wave is scary: now Cerberus and Griphon are also arriving, be careful if you have these symptoms you absolutely must intervene in this way.

Covid continues to evolve and this time the new variant is really scary. This is stated by the English research, let’s find out together what the symptoms are and how to defend yourself.

Covid: Cerberus and Griphon arrive, they are a health hazard

It seemed that everything was going to work out for the best, but apparently the SARS-CoV-2 continues to evolve and become stronger and stronger. Unfortunately, the new variant is proving to be much more aggressive and with much worse symptoms. The Zoe Health Study, conducted by a team of scientists from Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School and King’s College London, revealed all the details.

Thanks to them we were able to obtain the results on the main symptoms of the new variant, all of which was done thanks to a mobile app, with which the researchers collected information on millions of people who tested positive at the time. Covid. Surely, understanding whether it is SARS CoV-2 or the flu is now impossible, also because the loss of taste and smell no longer occurs among the symptoms. But let’s find out what they are and how to recognize it.

Covid: here are the symptoms of the new variant

Currently, to understand if you are suffering from the virus, it is necessary to undergo a swab, in fact the symptoms that are encountered are increasingly similar to the classic flu. What is happening was revealed by a team of English researchers who, thanks to the help of an app, managed to collect information from Covid positive patients. But what emerged? According to research, the main symptoms include sore throat, stuffy nose and sneezing. On the contrary, the fever and the loss of taste and smell would have disappeared.

Covid Cerberus and Griphon health danger
If you have these symptoms you absolutely must intervene: the new variant is scary

Obviously it must be specified that the situation could change on the basis of each individual case, especially depending on the vaccination status of the Covid positive subject. Indeed, for those who have been infected but have completed the vaccine cycle, among the symptoms there is only a strong sore throat and in some cases with headache and stuffy nose. For those who have received only one dose of the vaccine, things are quite different, in fact among the symptoms there were headaches, runny nose, sore throat, sneezing and persistent cough.

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