Home » today » World » CEO White House sent a message to Trump suggesting the replacement of the CIA director | White House Oval Office | mypillow | Replacement of the CIA director

CEO White House sent a message to Trump suggesting the replacement of the CIA director | White House Oval Office | mypillow | Replacement of the CIA director

[Epoch Times January 16, 2021](Epoch Times reporter Lin Yan reported) The CEO of a US private enterprise won the President at the White House on Friday (January 15)Trump(Trump) When he met,Change the Director of the CIAHelped people “spread messages” to Trump about fraud problems with voters.

Mike Lindell, CEO of American company MyPillow, said on Friday (January 15) that heTrumpThe President (Trump) and White House lawyers shared a document suggesting that he replace CIA Director Gina Haspel (Gina Haspel), but he stated that he was only helping a lawyer to spread the word.

Lindel met with President Trump in the Oval Office on Friday, and he was photographed by reporters holding a document that read “Kash Patel was transferred to acting CIA director.” Patel was Chief of Staff of the Acting Secretary of Defense.

Lindel said that President Trump read the document and then returned it to him. Lindel and Trump and a lawyer met in the Oval Office for about 10 minutes. The meeting was originally scheduled for Thursday (14th).

Lindel told the Washington Examiner newspaper: “I am a messenger.” He added that he was “passing on the advice of a lawyer.”

Photo of the right half of the document circulating on the Internet (Click hereSeeing that, Lindel’s hand-held document shows: “Measures to be taken immediately to save (content omitted)… the Constitution”, “Call for the appointment of a new national security team member”, and “If necessary, in the first When any signal appears again, the law…”, “Foreign interference in the general election…triggers…”

But when asked whether the document contained and suggested that the “Martial Law” should be used when necessary, Lindel denied that there was such a content in the document.

Lindel said that after meeting with Trump, he was taken upstairs to discuss the details of election fraud with White House lawyers.

He explained that Trump is holding meetings one after another.

“It’s like this: more than 80 million people believe that the election is the result of fraud,” Lindel said.

He said that Trump lawyers stated that they had studied these claims, but they appeared to be tired of this claim and “very dismissively.”

Lindel added: “They have their own plans.”

A report shared by White House reporters on Friday showed that Trump was not in the Oval Office before Lindell’s visit at 3 pm. Because normally, when President Trump is in the office, a Marine will stand guard outside the entrance of the West Wing. At about 3:05 pm, the Marine escorted Lindel into the office.

Lindel is a staunch supporter of Trump. He tweeted at 9:30 on Friday night (Click here) Reposted the report of The Washington Observer to prove its authenticity.

Lindell told The Epoch Times later that the “not official” documents he passed to President Trump.

“It was given by a lawyer. He (referring to the lawyer) said it was a suggestion for Trump.” Lindel said. “I want to be a good person and deliver something to someone. “

He said that every day someone would want him to help deliver documents. However, the 5-minute discussion between him and the president on the 15th had nothing to do with that document, and they did not discuss martial law.

Editor in charge: Lin Yan#


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