SOLOPOS.COM – A child received polio immunization drops at the Tanjungsari Village Hall, Manisrenggo District, during the launch of the Polio Sub PIN in Klaten, Monday (15/1/2024). (Solopos/Taufiq Sidik Prakoso), KLATEN — The Central Java Provincial Health Service (Dinkes) has launched a National Immunization Sub-Week or PIN polio Central Java which is centered in Tanjungsari Village, Manisrenggo District, Klaten, Monday (15/1/2024).
As is known, Sub PIN polio held simultaneously in all districts/cities in Central Java (Central Java) and East Java (Jatim) as well as Sleman Regency, DIY, starting Monday (15/1/2024).
The additional immunization was carried out following up on an extraordinary incident (KLB) of cases of paralysis in the East Java region and one case of polio in Manisrenggo, Klaten, Central Java.
Sub PIN Polio will be held simultaneously in two rounds with the first round being held on 15-20 January 2024. Meanwhile the second round will be held on 19-25 February 2024.
Sub PIN Polio will be held simultaneously in two rounds with the first round being held on 15-20 January 2024. Meanwhile the second round will be held on 19-25 February 2024.
The targets for Sub PIN Polio are children aged zero years to seven years 11 months 29 days. In Klaten, the Polio Sub PIN target is 127,183 children.
Head of the Central Java (Jateng) Province Health Service (Dinkes), Yunita Dyah Suminar, explained that in Central Java there were 3.9 million children who were targeted by Sub PIN Polio. The additional immunization achievement is targeted at a minimum of 95 percent of the target.
In Central Java, there was only one polio case found, namely in Klaten. He believes that in Klaten there should be no polio cases. This is because polio immunization coverage in Klaten is already 101 percent.
Travel History
Apart from that, Klaten is one of the Healthy Districts and has status open defecation free (ODF), a condition where the community has carried out total sanitation, namely not defecating in the open.
From the search results, it turned out that one Klaten child who was positive for contracting the polio virus had a history of travel from outside the area and it was possible that he was infected in that area. When he returned home to Klaten he had a fever and was paralyzed.
Yunita expressed her gratitude for the quick actions of various parties in responding to these findings. From the findings of one case in Klaten, samples were then taken from 30 healthy children around where the child lived.
The test results for the 30 children’s samples were negative or did not contain the polio virus. “House to house “200 houses were also checked and their condition is good,” he said.
The Regent of Klaten, Sri Mulyani, explained that the launch of the Polio Sub PIN was the government’s quick response to dealing with the polio outbreak in Klaten because children were found to have contracted polio from other areas. “This is a form of anticipation and ensuring that children in Klaten are safe from polio,” he explained.
Acting Head of the Klaten Health Office, Anggit Budiarto, said that polio immunization is provided free of charge at health service facilities such as community health centers, supporting community health centers, posyandu, to educational units such as PAUD, TK, SD/equivalent and other immunization posts under coordination.
“This immunization is regardless of previous immunization status. “This means, even though the immunization status is complete, the child still has to take part in the Sub PIN Polio program,” he said.
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2024-01-15 14:29:40
#Announces #Polio #PIN #Central #Java #Health #Office #Klaten #Cases