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Central Communication Port. Extraordinary session of the Baranów commune council, Mikołaj Wild explains

The inhabitants of the Baranów commune believe that they are not informed about the activities related to the preparations for the construction of the Central Communication Port. As they indicate, they live in uncertainty as to whether they will be displaced and at what price their land will be sold. The president of the CPK, Mikołaj Wild, assured that the company listened to the voices of the inhabitants.

An extraordinary session of the Baranów commune council was devoted to the draft regulation, which is to improve the preparation of the STH investments. The project provides, inter alia, the pre-emption right for real estate in the designated area for the CPK company, and also entitles the investor to enter the real estate in order to carry out tests or measurements.

As Agata Trzop-Szczypiorska, the mayor of the Baranów commune, the session was convened in response to a letter from the government plenipotentiary for CPK, Marcin Horała, who directed the draft regulation for an opinion by the team for infrastructure of the Joint Government and Local Government Commission.

– I am surprised that matters concerning our community are discussed without our participation. We may have different views on CPK. However, it is important that our community is not left out of the debate, she said. In the room where the session was held, there was a banner “Not for CPK”.


Doubts of residents

Members of the Social Council for CTH said that employees of the company that performs analyzes for CTH take measurements and photos of the property without the consent of the owners. They pointed out that they were not informed about the activities related to the investment and that they had not previously known the content of the planned regulation. In turn, representatives of the association Before the Airport Uprising noticed that people lived in uncertainty as to whether they would be displaced and at what price their land would be sold.

– You say that, as you said two weeks ago, in 2023 you will drive the first spade into the ground. It’s 2021, mid-March, you have nothing. You don’t have an environmental survey, no bats, no turtles. What are you going to stick this spade into, when there are thousands of people here with huge farms? – asked Mirosława Kuran, mayor of the village of Kaski.

“We’re still at the starting point, we still don’t know anything,” she added.

– Even if the investment is needed, it should be carried out according to certain rules, in the social dialogue – assessed the Marshal of the Masovian Voivodeship, Adam Struzik. In his opinion, instead of building the STH, it could be possible, with little effort, to expand the Modlin airport, where – as he said – a large part of the area is state-owned.

He also noted that during the pandemic, air traffic is minimal and all airports are at risk. He called on the government to consider whether the construction of the CPK makes sense at a time when it is not known when the pandemic will end and when air traffic will recover.

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Extraordinary session of the Baranów commune councilTVN24

“We are aware of your doubts”

The president of CPK Mikołaj Wild, referring to the allegations, assured that the company listened to the voices of the residents. He added that the self-government communities would express their opinion within the Joint Commission of the Government and Local Government.

– We are aware of your doubts and we try to meet them. We are going to determine the preferences of residents, how many residents would be interested in organized relocation – said Wild.

He also indicated that the only land inventories that can be held now, until the planned regulation enters into force, may be with the consent of the resident. If not, the police should be called.

The President of the STH informed that the exact location of the STH will be determined later this year. He stated that market prices are the starting point for the Voluntary Purchase Program; in a situation where no amicable disposal takes place, expropriation will take place. “ This kind of decision is likely to take place at the end of 2022, ” he said.

– I am convinced that this process (investment – ed.) Can be carried out in such a way that the residents do not feel like its victims, but participants – Wild stressed.

Draft regulation

In the draft regulation, which is an executive act to the Act on the CPK, it was proposed to introduce specific rules for real estate management, planning and spatial development and investment implementation in a defined area. They consist in the right of pre-emption of real estate in favor of the CPK company and the right to purchase and exchange real estate for the purposes specified in the CPK Act.

In addition, the government plenipotentiary for the CPK will be entitled to consent to the establishment of limited property rights, the conclusion of lease and rental agreements for land property of the State Treasury and agreements that allow for the implementation of investments on these properties, including investments of a non-construction nature.

In turn, the investor will have the right to enter the property in order to carry out research or measurements necessary for the preparation and implementation of the investment, in particular archaeological, geological and natural research.

Drafts of the study of the conditions and directions of the commune’s spatial development and the local spatial development plan will be agreed by the minister responsible for transport. These principles are to facilitate the process of preparing an investment. They would be in force for 2 years from the entry into force of the regulation.

The planned investment area is located in three communes: Baranów, Teresin and Wiskitki, the final location is to be determined, as announced, later this year. The rule granting the investor the right to enter real estate for the purpose of carrying out research or measurements covers a much larger area of ​​neighboring municipalities potentially affected by the investment.

photo-source">Main photo source: TVN24

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