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Central Clinic MSP in Lohr: Development is delayed

The new building in Lohr is only a few steps away. However, the preparations, such as the relocation of the BKH greenhouse, swallow up large amounts.

Time is of the essence: If Matthias Schneider, the medical director of the Main-Spessart Clinic, wishes, the new access road to the future central clinic in Lohr should be ready by the end of 2020. At least that’s how he got to in an interview earlier this year. But there are still important decisions to be made and literally a house in the way: the social building of the forensic therapy nursery at the district hospital. This is sacrificed to the driveway that is to branch off from the street “Am Sommerberg”.

Social building has had its day after 44 years

The previous social building, erected in 1976, will be demolished and replaced by a new building 20 meters up the slope, as Markus Mauritz, spokesman for the district, explained when asked by the editors. At the end of May, the district’s building committee launched the replacement building for the building with office and social rooms and unanimously approved the “Household Document Construction” (HU building).

His days are numbered: The social building of the BKH greenhouse built in 1976 is demolished. Photo: Roland Pleier

Construction worker Ottmar Zipperich said that the social building was part of the work therapy facilities at BKH Lohr, according to a press release recently when the HU building in Wrzburg was presented. With a usable area of ​​around 200 square meters, the new building will be 50 square meters larger than the previous building, added hospital director Bernd Ru: this benefits our patients and the staff.

Zipperich anticipates a construction time of around one year and costs for the social building of just over 900,000 euros. The building application will be submitted these days, said hospital director Bernd Ru at the request of the editors.

Already stocked with plants: the new greenhouses of the therapy nursery of the district hospital.
Already stocked with plants: the new greenhouses of the therapy greenhouse of the district hospital. Photo: Roland Pleier

The first, vague estimate of an architect’s costs was much lower: In January, the then BKH press officer Bettina Schffer-Johnson spoke of 660,000 euros. Either way, the relocation of the greenhouse costs money: The Free State has invested 1.1 million euros in the new greenhouses alone. They have now been completed. Plants can already be seen on some tables.

No approval is required for the demolition of the old one, it only has to be shown what has already been done. The Main-Spessart district will manage and pay for this. According to information from the press office, this is estimated at 30,000 euros. This is expected to begin at the end of this year.

At the beginning of 2021, things are going around the Sommerberg

Then the way would be clear for the access road, for which the Main-Spessart Clinic is responsible, according to the district office. The press office announces clearing and preparation in January 2021, construction February to October 2021. What the 350-meter access road to the actual clinic area will cost is in the stars. “We cannot give an exact number at the current time,” is the answer from the district office, because “it consists of many components (asphalt, clearing, slope protection, electricity, etc.”

Who cares about the dismantling of the old greenhouse is currently unclear. The district does not, replied hospital director Bernd Ru to the corresponding request. It is currently not clear whether this is the responsibility of the district hospital because Ru is on vacation. But this should be the smallest problem.

Start of construction of the clinic at the end of 2021 at the earliest?

However, it can be expected that the new construction of the clinic cannot begin until the access road is finished, i.e. by the end of 2021.

And what about the social rooms when the old building is torn down and the new one has not yet been built? Well, the patients of the specialist clinic for forensics will have to do without a proper social building for some time. If there is no other way, says Mauritz, you have to bridge the time with containers.

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