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Center-right together with Colle, Friday at 10.30 for consultations – Politics

The consultations at the Quirinale for the formation of the Government will start tomorrow morning and until Friday. From the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, the first to be received will be the presidents of the two branches of Parliament: at 10 Ignazio La Russa and at 11 Lorenzo Fontana.

At 10:30 on Friday, the center-right groups will go up together with the Quirinale for consultations in view of the formation of the government. The groups of “Brothers of Italy”, “Lega Salvini Premier – Sardinian Action Party”, “Forza Italia Berlusconi President”, the parliamentary group “Civici d’Italia – Noi Moderati ( UDC – Courage Italy – Us with Italy – Italy in the Center) – MAIE “of the Senate of the Republic.

Forza Italia will have a vice-presidency of the Chamber and one of the Senate, while FdI will have one in Montecitorio and the Lega one in Palazzo Madama: this is the agreement reached by the majority at the end of the meeting between the group leaders that took place in the Chamber. On the basis of this agreement, in the Senate, according to parliamentary sources, the majority should converge on the Northern League’s Gian Marco Centinaio and Maurizio Gasparri of FI, while in the Chamber on the blue Giorgio Mulé and Fabio Rampelli of FdI.

Meanwhile, the leader of Fi, Silvio Berlusconi, as we learn, met Carlo Nordiothe Fdi deputy on pole for the Ministry of Justice, a department in which the Knight would like Elisabetta Casellati instead. At lunch the meeting between the leader of the Lega Matteo Salvini and the president of Forza Italia.

And the Secretary of the Democratic Party, Enrico Lettaattacks the majority and tweets: A “question for Giorgia Meloni. Who damages Italy abroad? The opposition who makes the opposition? The President of the Chamber who delegitimizes the European sanctions to Russia? Gasparri against 194? Berlusconi who re-establish relations with the invader of Ukraine? “. The secretary of the Democratic Party Enrico Letta writes on Twitter.

“Forza Italia claims to be the guarantee of a pro-European government but has gone from a pillar of centrism to being the crutch of post-fascism: the presidency of the senate went to the nostalgic of fascism Ignazio Benito La Russa and the Camera a Fontana, Eurosceptic or homophobic. Are we sure that Forza Italia can be guarantors of something? “. So the president of the Socialists and Democrats at the Eurochamber, Iratxe Garcia Perez in his response to the debate with Ursula von der Leyen at the Strasbourg plenary. “Weber today spoke of nostalgia for Angela Merkel: well, Merkel would never have accepted an alliance with the far right.”

“One of the oppositions – said the leader of the Action Chamber-IV, Matteo Richetti – has been excluded from the vice-presidencies of the Chambers. At this point we hope that there is a willingness to consider that at least one of the two guarantee commissions, Supervision or Copasir , go to the Third pole “.

“It was neither agreements nor an indistinct entity that excluded Action and Italia viva from the vice-presidencies of the Chambers, but the voters”, commented sources from the Nazarene.

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