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Center for the production of contemporary lyrics, in Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine)

As a support association for the Mythos festival, the CPPC has participated in the expansion and diversification of the cultural offer in the metropolis of Rennes, in particular by becoming a delegatee of the Théâtre de l’Aire Libre (TAL) in Saint-Jacques-de-la -Lande in 2014, then by creating the MeM in 2019 on the banks of the Vilaine in Rennes. Founded more than twenty years ago on the initiative of a group of Rennes students, the association remains marked by a confined governance, the ten or so administrators maintaining personal or business links with each other.

The CPPC has created highly integrated subsidiaries for the management of commercial activities which modifies the initial economic model, which requires both ensuring the absence of conflicts of interest and carrying out a strategic reflection on the overall evolution of the business. associative project.

Historical activity of the association, Mythos attracts nearly 25,000 festival-goers each year. In 2019, this festival benefited from € 313,000 in grants from around ten funders. The free provision of the Guesclin square in the Thabor park reflects the support of the municipality of Rennes, in addition to its subsidy (€ 77,000), and its in-kind assistance, very partially valued (€ 132,000).

With more than 8,000 spectators per year, the average attendance of the TAL reaches 74% of the capacity of the hall. The participation of the municipality of Saint-Jacques-de-la-Lande (€ 535,000 per year) and the subsidies paid by other funders (€ 126,000 in 2019) represent a participation of € 90 per paying spectator.

New Rennes cultural offer on the banks of the Vilaine, the MeM is a “very different place”. Composed of two spaces, the Magic Mirrors (concert hall) and the Guinguette (bar-catering), it is located on a plot of 7,400 m2 belonging to the municipality of Rennes, which issued a permit for a period of four years. to build precariously. The eight-year commitments made to the marquee supplier constitute a risk with regard to the duration of the building permit.

The association has entrusted the operation of the Guinguette to its subsidiary Manger Bon. The first months of activity have enabled this company to multiply its turnover by ten, while its activity does not explicitly fall under the basis of the occupancy fee paid by the CPPC to the municipality of Rennes, this the latter had not been informed of it before the control of the room.

The association’s accounting results are positive over the entire 2014-2019 period, thanks in particular to assistance in subsidies or in kind from local authorities and public funders. If the “MeM operation” allows the CPPC to assert itself as a key cultural player in the Rennes metropolitan area, it comes with new risks, on which the health crisis is superimposed. The evolution of the financial trajectory therefore calls for vigilance.

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