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Céline MEYRIGNAC, Psychologist in Marseille: Book an appointment online


The psychologist is the specialist in psyche and human behavior. He carries out psychological analyzes and evaluations of psychically suffering patients in order to help them overcome it. For this, he designs and implements preventive and curative actions such as listening or advice. Work psychologist with more than 25 years of practice with professionals from all backgrounds and sectors, and with students, I offer solutions-oriented support to improve your well-being, solve your problems and achieve your goals: – Professional positioning and evolutions, decision-making – Knowledge of oneself and others – Management of oneself, projects and teams, quality of life at work – Communication and professional relations – Self-confidence, positive self-affirmation – Prevention and management of conflict situations – Prevention and management of post-burnout – Development of your emotional intelligence, your resilience – Stress and anxiety related to professional exercise – High intellectual potential, Hypersensitive – Supervision of professional practices (coaches, managers, caregivers …) I am authorized for psychotechnical tests and certified MBTI level 1 and 2. Trained in Internal Dialogue (voice dialog), therapy for early maladaptive schemas, positive psychology, group dynamics. Potential assessments and professional positioning. Professional & personal coaching. Trained initially at the University, with a dissertation in social psychology carried out on non-verbal communication in stressful situations (mention TB) then a master’s 2 in work psychology, I also worked quickly on issues of integration and professional re possitioning, skills assessments, training on the subject of professional relations and job search techniques, then management and leadership. 3 years as RRH then partner for 7 years in a consulting firm, I created my CMH Resources firm in 2011. 15 years of voluntary service in various associations. Currently Regional Delegate of EMCC. Certified professional coach since 2012, supervisor of professional practices of accompanying persons since 2019 (coaches, HRD, consultants, psychologists, caregivers …), I work with professional audiences and students.

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