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Celebrity separations that have surprised everyone

Barely seven months into 2021 and in the world of entertainment, this year is not being good in terms of love, because it has been seen as celebrity couples have ended their love relationships.


Here are some of the couples who have put an end to everything in terms of love:

  1. Sara Carbonero e Iker Kasillas

The journalist and the soccer player officially announced their separation last April after several months and even years of rumors of a crisis in one of the most beloved marriages in Spain; With a delicate publication on social networks, Iker and Sara announced that their love story had come to an end after a decade together and with two children in common, currently the two maintain an excellent relationship and it is not uncommon to see them do family plans.

2. Santiago Cañizares and Mayte García

After thirteen years of relationship, Mayte García and Santiago Cañizares, one of the most established couples in the world of sports, announced their divorce; “In the end it will be true that nothing is forever, the important thing is the quality, the affection and the respect we have for each other. We continue to love each other very much, but every time we see life in a more different way, ”Mayte explained in a statement for the magazine ¡HOLA!

3. Jennifer López and Álex Rodríguez

Although they got engaged in 2019, the couple never got to celebrate their long-awaited wedding. Álex Rodríguez and Jennifer López ended their courtship this year after countless rumors of a crisis in recent months. The confinement derived from the coronavirus pandemic ended up dynamiting their relationship. “We have realized that we are better as friends and we hope to continue being so. We wish each other the best ”, they expressed in the joint statement.

4. Alba Paul and Dulceida

The pair of influencers announced through their profiles on Instagram their separation after seven years of relationship; Aida Domenech explained that the severe crisis they were going through had caused both of them to decide to spend their summer vacations separately; For her part, Alba Paul was confident of a reconciliation in the future, although for the moment, they continue to lead completely different lives.

5. Manuel Martos and Amelia Bono

The couple announced their separation after thirteen years of marriage and with four children in common: Jorge, Manuel, Gonzalo and Jaime; the magazine HELLO! reported exclusively on the decision of Amelia Bono and Manuel Martos, who had been estranged for some time, but who decided to make the news public on their anniversary date.

6. Fabiola Martínez and Bertin Osborne

One of the most established couples on television announced their separation to everyone’s surprise; The Mediaset presenter and his wife sent a statement to publicize the news and explaining that it was a common decision in which there were no third parties; For his part, Bertín Osborne assumed part of the responsibility for the divorce after more than 14 years together.

7. Bill and Melinda Gates

The founder of the Microsoft company and his wife put an end to their relationship after more than 27 years together. The couple has reached an agreement to divorce on good terms and divide the great fortune they had generated during all this time; “The marriage is irretrievably broken,” they argued in front of the King County Superior Court in Seattle, United States.

8. Tania Vázquez and Rubén de la Red

Through a publication on social networks, Tania Vázquez and Rubén de la Red also announced the end of their marriage, the athlete’s wife explained on her Instagram profile that it was not an easy decision to make public, but that it was necessary; “We will always continue to be a family, in a different way, but a united family, since we have children whom we deeply love,” Tania wrote.

With information: AS.com

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