Home » today » Entertainment » Celebrities will compete in LTV erudition on New Year’s Eve, but Raimonds Pauls / Article will invite you to dance

Celebrities will compete in LTV erudition on New Year’s Eve, but Raimonds Pauls / Article will invite you to dance

What have been the brightest events in music, art, cinema, theater, literature in the past year? What were the biggest cultural challenges? At 6.30 pm, LTV Cultural News journalists Anete Ašmane, Anete Lesīte, Daira Āboliņa, Līga Gaigala and Jānis Lācis will tell the stories of the “Annual Review of Culture”, while four cultural news executives – Jānis Holšteins-Upmanis, Liene Jakovļeva, Adriana Roze will meet at the News Studio to discuss what colleagues have said.

Someone will say that this year can be summed up in one question: how did we get from the delta to the omicron? However, 2021 is not just another year – Covid-19. Much experienced and experienced for the first time.

For the first time in Latvia, the new municipal councils were elected, for the first time we paid so much for electricity. And for the first time, the crowds of migrants were not at the borders of any of the southern European countries, but here in the Baltics. LTV News Service will look back on what has been done and what has not been done, as is customary in every family on New Year’s Eve, at 19.00 in the “Annual Review”.

At 20.35 we invite you to celebrate the holiday by competing in the erudition with the participants of the “Smart, Even Smarter” Star Game: musicians Samantas Tīna, Būū, rolandu če, Lauri Reinikas, TV and radio personalities Sandu Dejus, Magnus Eriņš, Ilze Dobeli, Marģers Majori, athletes , Madara Palameika, artist Elita Patmalniece, as well as influencer and stage personality Roja Rogers Linkevičs.

Looking forward to 2022 with Raimonds Pauls? This will be an opportunity for every LTV viewer in the New Year’s show “Raimonds Pauls prays for dance”!

Dance rhythms will move your legs and take over the whole body. But that’s not all! Maestro will not only take care of the rhythms, but will also notice everyone to challenge. He once said that “Latvians with humor are as it is – it all started and ended with Blauman”. Is that really the case? This challenge of Raimonds Pauls will be accepted by the hosts of the show Sanda Dejus and Lauris Subatnieks, who will try to find out the answer to the question – what is happening in Latvia with humor?

On stage – maestro Raimonds Pauls himself and our pop stars: Latvian Radio Big Band, soloists – Intars Busulis, Kristīne Prauliņa, Ieva Kerēvica, Žoržs Siksna, Aija Vītoliņa, Veronika Plotņikova, Dināra Rudāne, Daumants Kalniņš and others. Dancers of “Dzirnu” will dance, and well-loved and respected guests are also welcome.

“Let’s be happy, don’t worry and grieve!” says the show ‘s music producer Juris Vaivods and invites you to dance in the New Year Raimonds Pauls dance rhythms.

The director of the show Intars Rešetins: “I invite the audience to be in a positive mood – there will be a lot of glorious surprises and we, the creative team, will try to add a lot of humor!”

The New Year’s show “Raimonds Pauls is praying for dance” will be shown on December 31 at 9.40 pm on LTV1 and REplay.lv.

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