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Celebrities who wanted to say goodbye to Elena Huelva

    Yesterday we learned the sad news of the death of Elena Huelva. The young woman from Seville had been suffering from Ewing’s sarcoma since 2019, a rare form of this disease that manifests itself in the surrounding bones and soft tissues. Since then, Elena has devoted herself to give visibility to this disease through social networks with the aim of promoting research and, in addition to reaching all of us, there have been many celebrities who have echoed her message and have also formed a friendship with her.

    Ana Obregón said that Elena had been the person she had met in 2022 and who had marked her the most, Sara Carbonero spent a lot of time with her and her sister Emi, who all promised to take care of and accompany after the departure of Elena. Manuel Carrasco and Aitana have dedicated songs to him in their concerts and There are many presenters, influencers and even singers who wanted to greet her through their social networks.

    The message that predominates among all, and in which we join, is the gratitude to Elena for everything she has taught us and the message of optimism she has transmitted to us.

    As she said, “I win, they win,” and she won. She beat us all.

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The presenter had made a great friendship with the young Sevillian, it was common to see them together on their social networks. “Thank you for everything you have helped and taught me. I wish I had a little more time to dance”, is one of the phrases that Sara Carbonero dedicates to Elena in her long farewell through her Instagram account

“My girl, your desire has always won. Elena, what an example of strength you have always given to all of us. A new star shines in the sky, more than any other. I love you.” This was the singer’s farewell to one of her most ardent fans

The actress and host said the good thing she was left with, that she had been able to meet her. “I take the most beautiful thing of all this, having discovered you, having met you… because honestly the only beautiful thing is you… you and my @emihupa who, calm down Elena, you are not alone, surely there are many of us that we too will take care of her.”

The singer has been one of those who has had the most relationships with Elena, we have also been able to see the young Sevillian with Manuel’s family on several occasions. “I have never met anyone as brave, so special and with as much love for life as you. My girl Elena, today we all cry for you with anger, because life is sometimes so unfair,” he wrote on her social networks.

“We laughed together the other day when you sent me this photo from 2019 because you never lacked that, the most beautiful smile. The one that will always light up all of us who stay here, with the lesson learned. Shine from your star, that to which your loyal squire @emihupa put your name. My warrior girl, YOUR VICTORIES HAVE WON,” the presenter said in her Instagram post

“Thank you for making all of us who have been lucky enough to be by your side better people. Always take my hand Elena and take care of us from heaven, we will miss you very much,” said the influencer goodbye.

The family of María and Tomás was also able to meet Elena and they met on several occasions. “Thank you for being an example to everyone and for your constant smile and above all for your desire always and as I have told you many times I continue to pray every day for you and for all your family,” wrote María.

“Your sweetness, strength and courage will always stay with us…it’s not fair, today is a sad day…you taught us so much…my heart with you, with @emihupa and your parents You shine infinitely”, was the message left by the model and presenter

The singer made a video compilation of all the moments she spent with Elena. “Give visibility so that there is more research on this damn disease!!! Dep my pretty,” she stressed India

The actor wrote, “She’s a loss to all of us who followed her, because her infectious wit, her bulletproof enthusiasm and blissful optimism are things we miss in today’s world.”

The influencer also greeted Elena Huelva and dedicated these words to her “Absolute admiration. Your desire, they won and beat us all”.

“Always surrounded by your loved ones, your passage in life has transformed many, they will remember you every day of their life, no one will remain indifferent to your journey, those who know you speak of an angel, of light, of a star, I send them a huge hug!!!!”, wrote the presenter.

The model also greeted the young Sevillian with this message on her Instagram account.

The presenter began her farewell message by recalling the moment they lived together and saying that she would never forget it. “You won because you were a lesson to everyone. Thank you for that extraordinary life you had. Today I can only cry for your departure,” she concluded.

“I’ve been in contact with you all day and finding out like this has been painful. I’m so sorry Emi and family… 😔,” wrote the singer.

The influencer also mourned the loss of Elena with this story on his Instagram.

The singer spoke of “What you managed to convey and teach with your sweetness, with your eternal smile with your strength until the last day … that is a lesson that we will never forget and we will never forget to you Precious girl, ah What you gave us and what you taught us was so much!”

“You already won a long time ago. You beat us all. THANK YOU,” said the influencer.

The singer has uploaded several photos to her stories recalling some of the moments she spent with Elena Huelva.

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