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Celebration of San Francisco Javier in Magdalena de Kino, between the religious and the pagan – Conecta Arizona

Art: Daniel Robles

➡️ Maritza Félix / Guest Pens

“My God does not move me to love you the heaven that you have promised me…” this is the opening prayer to the novena to the Glorious Saint Francis Xavier; approved ecclesiastically speaking and composed by Father Juan Croisset of the Holy Company of Jesus. Essential prayer for those who have devotion to this saint and usually pray the novena in his honor starting nine days before October 4, when the festivities of San Francisco take place, which are known as the October Festival.

Special tradition of my magical town Magdalena de Kino, Sonora, a town located in the north of Mexico. This in the religious calendar is not the day of Saint Francis Xavier but of Saint Francis of Assisi; The confusion results due to the Franciscans who changed the date for their celebration because it is their patron saint, here in the region.

This happens after they expelled the Jesuits who have Saint Francis Xavier as a saint of their mysticism, whose devotion was instilled and brought by the venerable Father Kino, which is why Saint Francis Xavier has a black cassock and no habit, clothing typical of certain orders. religious, which among the Franciscans is a brown habit.

Art: Daniel Robles

One of the first evangelizers of northern Mexico, southern Arizona and part of Baja California were the Jesuits, who due to their training and discipline were able to make a presence and settle in this part of the world due to the bravery of the native inhabitants of the region.

It was an extremely difficult task, according to historians. However, with their patience, faith and dedication they were able to stay in the region.

For various political reasons, at a certain time this formation did not suit those in power and they were expelled from this part; It was when the Franciscans came to replace this order and continued the work.

It is necessary to know this to understand the date change. In addition to the weather conditions, the production cycles, the beginning of autumn, as well as cultural conditions. The experience of older people coincides with the factor of the change of date due to the cold climate of the region in the month of December, moving the celebration to October, which coincides with the celebration of Saint Francis of Assisi.

Father Kino, motivated by the love of Saint Francis Xavier, creates devotion for this saint in the residents of the settlements where he founded his missions, in gratitude by requesting his intervention and saving him from death; In gratitude – also – he adds Francisco to his name.

This teaching generates a tradition in the ethnic groups of Sonora, Arizona and part of Baja California, such as the Mayos, Guarijíos, Tohono, Yaquis, Seris and Pimas, who come to thank him or ask him for a favor.

It was through the devotion of Eusebio Francisco Kino, a Jesuit missionary in Sonora, that Saint Francis Xavier arrived. Photo: Judith León

The manifestation of believers is one of sacrifice and festivity at the same time. Large “mandas” or sacrifices are customary, varying from walks to various points in the state of Sonora, to prayers, Las Mañanitas, giving away food, various dances such as the Deer of Yaquis and Mayos, which, when watching their presentations, is noticeable. the difference in their interpretation; the horseback riding, the traditions of the Tohono people, with their rituals.

The most common route is the walk that begins in the city of Nogales, Sonora, from the chapel dedicated to San Ramón, to the chapel dedicated to San Francisco. It is approximately 87 kilometers. Some walking, others by bicycle, others on horseback.

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I remember when I was a child that many people offered to come on their knees from the northern entrance of Magdalena, where Obregón Avenue meets Niño Héroes Street, a stretch of several kilometers.

It was shocking to see people’s bloody knees, but their faith was so great that it gave them the strength to do it. This began to be restricted due to physical injuries on the part of those who performed this type of sacrifice, today there are few people who enter the chapel on their knees. Participating in the guards that are held in the chapel and organized by the main parish “Santa María Magdalena” is an experience where one learns about the faith, the different needs, unique and difficult cases, cases that we can consider lighter on the part of the believers, who visit the saint; The testimonies make the heart become infected with that faith.

For two or three years I paid an errand for favors received through the intercession of Saint Francis, walking from the Chapel dedicated to Saint Ignatius of Loyola in San Ignacio, Sonora, a distance of eight kilometers.

During the journey, many people like “manda” offer water, vitaminized serums, painkillers, pozole, Menudo, tamales, bean burritos, bandages, ointments, it is another type of party that occurs in the journey, another diversity that unites the believers. I confess that it was a temptation to accept the offer, but how could you do it if you really had little time and little space to cover, but the aromas and kindness of the people is another attraction.

In this festival, the religious is mixed with the pagan, during the day the faith, at night the party. In years before the pandemic, and it is not a fact to brag about, but rather an act of marketing and commerce, one of the main Mexican beer producers released a special edition on its packaging, alluding to these holidays. Some people collected them as a treasured souvenir. At night the sound of bands prevails up to 10 to less of Sinaloan music playing at the same time, northern groups, all of this preferably in the square next to the Plaza Monumental, surrounding streets and wherever possible.

Up to 30 thousand people – or more – have been counted per night, especially the day before and on October 4 if it is a weekend. In previous years, most of the stalls selling food and beer were run by residents of the city; However, for reasons of profit, some municipal administration decided to “sell” the plaza to the brewery and for many it turned out that they could not pay the rent for the spaces and the profit was reduced to the point of generating very little profits. , the profit was for said company.

So what was once a time of prosperity for Magdalene is over; Now the lack of currency is felt after the holiday season. There are some types of businesses that do see their sales increase, such as those dedicated to the sale of food, lodging, supermarkets, among others.

Multiculturalism is reflected in this era due to the manifestations of faith that occur, the influx and convergence of various ethnic groups, foreigners who are attracted by the type of event, merchants coming from different parts of the country, locals, national tourists. The native people who visit their relatives during this period of time.

On October 3, around 100 passenger trucks were counted parked on two or three streets at the southern point of the city. Many tourism companies offer travel services for just one or two days, with accommodation included. This results in a large influx of visitors.

Those attending the veneration and celebration of the patron saint arrive in October, and all year round. Photo: Judith León

My family looked forward to this time because it was a period to generate income and it was when people worked from dawn to dusk, from the end of September to the end of October. The Cuervo Hotel was the scene of many famous artists, orchestras and musical groups. The business included the rental of rooms, spaces for people camping, parking, and bathrooms.

Family dances were held on the Cuervo terrace every night during the eight or 10 days that the festivities lasted. My brothers collaborated with my father in the canteen with the sale of drinks. My mother, with a great work team, had a restaurant next to the terrace and the canteen, it was open 24 hours a day.

We had to wash dishes, sweep, cook among the multiple tasks that had to be done. We all won because we were paid for the work. Most of the time I had to stay at home to take care of my younger siblings. However; Growing up, I remember that I liked to dance, but always secretly so that my parents or my brothers wouldn’t see me, because they said that if I did they would go and throw me off the dance floor. Since there were so many couples dancing, one could give oneself the opportunity to go unnoticed among so many people. It was fun.

All this has already happened, young people have no idea what the famous festivals of San Francisco were in other times. Today, if my children were teenagers and wanted to participate, I believe they would be at risk due to the number of people carrying weapons, in addition to the insecurity that prevails in the region. But here we see that San Francisco is miraculous in that no serious risk situations arise in those attending.

Another important thing during these holidays is to generate the necessary services for the thousands of visitors who come daily to pay their gratitude to San Francisco, from health services, which are scarce; food that another part of the festivities arises here with the Mexican snacks that are sold; lodging, the Plaza Monumental becomes a camping area, leaving no room for more tents, tents, so people sleep on the sidewalks or any space that seems safe.

A large number of people are required for public safety, since combining faith with celebration causes wholesale disturbances. Medical services, civil protection, firefighter support, among others, are also required. Schools stop their work for security reasons, with the consent of the state Secretary of Education. The local banks do not work on October 4.

During the week of the holidays, it is necessary to completely close traffic on the streets that form the downtown area, since the influx of people and vehicles is so great that traffic chaos results; Cars and trucks are parked in such a way that the space between them from one end of the street to the other is very little, which results in crashed, scratched cars, broken mirrors, broken windows.

Read also: Saint Francis Xavier Day: culture, tradition and a great festival in northwest Mexico

The October festivities and the cult of San Francisco Javier They are cultural, social, religious and popular phenomena that must continue to be studied. Photo: Maritza Félix

Magdalena de Kino is a blessed town when analyzing its history, since faith came from various missionaries, who promoted agriculture and livestock, taking advantage of the knowledge, cultures and traditions of the native indigenous groups.

The cultural issue deserves to be analyzed; Even without believing, it is interesting to visit and experience the October Festival of Magdalena, the festival in honor of Saint Francis Xavier.

➡️ Conecta Arizona is not responsible for the content of the columns and articles of our community contributors. The publications of those who collaborate with Conecta Arizona do not express their editorial line.

Art: Daniel Robles

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