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Celebrating the Art of Acting: Actor’s Day on August 26

Actor’s Day is celebrated on August 26. The actor is that person capable of moving you from time to time, situation, to make you laugh, cry. Today we can enjoy many and varied productions made up of great actors.


To find the origin of Actor’s Day we have to go back to the third century. Ginés de Roma was a Roman actor who performed different theaters. One of his works in which the Emperor Diocletian was present, Ginés made a parody on baptism. At the moment of receiving the water, the miracle was performed and he was converted to Christianity. He later he was beheaded by Rome in the year 286. That is why this date remembers this actor.

What is done?

On Actor’s Day, many activities are carried out in which we can find films from other years, repostings of the evolution that films have undergone thanks to special effects, etc.

Cinemas are usually filled with people wanting to enjoy a good movie, with their favorite actors, and more sessions are usually held so that more people can enjoy the movies that day.
In the theaters we can also enjoy renowned actors and in several sessions. All this is what makes more and more people go to the cinema every week to see the premieres or prefer a play.

They are two different but paired arts. In fact there are many of the actors who participate equally in both movies and plays. However, there are others who prefer to live the emotion of being able to work and perform live, they prefer the theater. For these actors, everything that is montage of images or having to repeat scenes comes out of any performance.

The cinema throughout history has undergone many changes and advances in the techniques and means of film production. One of the latest advances in cinema is 3D technology, that is, three dimensions, three-dimensional. As soon as this technology appeared, the cinemas of all the cities of the world were filled to see how a 3D movie could be seen.

The main peculiarity to be able to see these films is the use of special glasses to be able to observe the films correctly. The effects that the spectator receives remind him of the real world, it seems that he was inside the movie itself. The first glasses used were made of cellophane material, although today those made of material with an LCD filter are used, with much more reality that improves color capture.

The filming of these movies also requires certain methods and technology to be recorded in 3D technology. At least two cameras are necessary when recording and capturing the images at the same time. One of the cameras will be the one that captures the images that are later reproduced by the viewer’s left eye and the other camera will record everything from the viewer’s right eye.

Nowadays there are a lot of new movies in 3D and many historical movies like Titanic are also being moved to this format, which is received with great enthusiasm by the viewers.

Actor’s Day in…

Argentina is celebrated on May 2, having been approved by Law 24171 Honorable Congress of the Argentine Nation (12-30-1992).

2023-08-26 06:55:48
#International #Actors #Day

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