Home » World » Celebrating Saints Pamphilus the Presbyter and the 11 Martyrs in the Orthodox Church on February 16 – New and Old Calendar

Celebrating Saints Pamphilus the Presbyter and the 11 Martyrs in the Orthodox Church on February 16 – New and Old Calendar

On February 16, according to the new church calendar, Orthodox Christians remember Saints Pamphilus the Presbyter and the 11 Martyrs. Among the people – the holiday of Pamphil. We talk about the prohibitions and signs of the day and what is celebrated in the Orthodox Church on February 16, old style.

February 16, 2024 – what church holiday is today according to the new and old calendar

February 16, according to the new church calendar, is the day of remembrance of the saints of the early 4th century Pamphilus the presbyter and 11 martyrs – Valens the deacon, Paul, Porphyry, Seleucia, Theodulus, Julian, Samuel, Elijah, Daniel, Jeremiah, Isaiah.

Pamphilus lived in the 3rd century and was a presbyter in Caesarea in Palestine. At that time he was one of the greatest theologians.

Pamphilus was born in Beritus of Phoenicia and received a good education. When he became a presbyter, he began to study Christian literature, as well as collect Christian written monuments and explain the Holy Scriptures – he managed to collect a library of 30 thousand volumes. Pamphilus organized a theological school at the church and converted many pagans to Christianity.

Valens and Paul helped the saint in his affairs. Later, by order of the ruler of Caesarea in Palestine, Urban, they were all imprisoned, and with the arrival of a successor, they were executed along with other martyrs.

Holiday February 16th according to the old style – day of remembrance of the righteous Simeon the God-Receiver and Anna the Prophetess.

What do the signs say for February 16th?

February 16 – signs of today / photo Kris Holkova, Pixabay

In the folk calendar, February 16 is the Pamphilus holiday.

  • if it’s too warm that day, wait for it to get colder;
  • the crows cawed – it will get colder;
  • heavy snowfall – by late spring.

It is also believed that if there is a lot of snow on this day, then the summer will be cold and rainy.

What not to do on February 16

Among the prohibitions, what you cannot do today is, first of all, swear, otherwise you will not be able to make peace for a long time. According to popular belief, on this day you should not borrow money, sew or knit.

What can you do on February 16

On this day they pray to the holy martyrs who gave their lives for faith in the Lord for all the needs that trouble a person. Saints are asked for health, healing and protection.

February 16 – name day today

Name days today according to the church calendar are celebrated by Pavel, Ilya, Daniil, Makar.

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2024-02-16 04:55:00
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