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Celebrating 28 Years in the Music Industry: Jose Manuel Aguilera and La Barranca at the Metropolitan Theater

Although for Jose Manuel Aguileraguitarist and founder of La Barranca, it is more important to measure his career with the number of albums (they have 12 studio albums), he is grateful to reach the Metropolitan Theater to celebrate 28 years in the industry.

“What I celebrate is the music we have made, this allows us to draw on a very vast repertoire, we could do four different shows and never repeat a song. On the one hand we have that stock and those cards that we want to use when putting together the setlist,” said the musician.

However, he recognizes that it is not that easy to make music or rather inspiration does not come all the time, which is why he has several unfinished lyrics or many others that did not see the light, because he knew they were not complete. But that passion with which he works leads him to create a song in up to five years.

“It is a beautiful forum that has the possibility for bands to sound and look incredibly good” Credits: Special

“Some we abandon outright and others you work on until you find a solution that you didn’t have long ago. A clear example is ‘Centella’, I felt like it wasn’t ready, until it finally came out on the album ‘Providencia’ and today it is one of the public’s favorites,” she said.

The concert they will give in Metropolitan Theater It is this September 9 and he assured that they will not have guests so as not to repeat past events, he prefers to play with the full band and remembering the successes they have achieved in all these years.

Furthermore, being in this venue is a pleasant triumph, since it is the same place where he has seen several of his favorite groups.

“It’s a beautiful forum that has the possibility for bands to sound and look incredibly good. It also has its elegance, because its architecture is very specific and above all I like it because I have seen groups that I admire in this place,” he concluded.


2023-09-09 00:06:26
#José #Manuel #Aguilera #easy #music #inspiration #doesnt #time

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