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Celebrate Björn Heuser’s 700th concert at Gaffel am Dom!

The marathon man of Cologne music is celebrating another anniversary. Björn Heuser will be on the pitch for the 700th time on 30 August at 22:30 on his Rondell stage in the Gaffel am Dom.

For this special evening, the Gaffel am Dom and Björn Heuser have come up with something unique. All amateur musicians are invited to bring their acoustic guitar or ukulele to play with Björn Heuser from the audience.

I’m really looking forward to this evening and to my fans.

Björn Heuser

“Music brings people together and it’s more fun together,” says Björn Heuser. So come to the Gaffel am Dom with your acoustic guitar or ukulele or support Björn Heuser with your singing, or better yet with your playing.

Song and sheet music

To ensure you are perfectly in the mood, you can download the two play-along songs that are meant to be played together here. To give you a better feel for the singing, we have also shown you the two videos again.




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111 limited Björn Heuser shirts

For the anniversary, we will also have 111 limited edition Björn Heuser shirts produced, which will be distributed to guests in the evening. We are looking forward to another highlight as part of 700 Björn Heuser sing-along concerts in the Gaffel am Dom, with your active support.

Private Brewery Gaffel

We, the Gaffel private brewery, are a medium-sized, family-run company in the fourth generation. As producers of the traditional Gaffel Kölsch brand and other Rhenish specialties, we are closely linked to the history of Cologne. We feel committed to the social and cultural areas of the city and report here at regular intervals on topics that concern us. Cheers, everyone.

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