Home » today » Business » CEIP El Membrillar Recovers Second Infant Line Amidst Education Cuts in Jerez

CEIP El Membrillar Recovers Second Infant Line Amidst Education Cuts in Jerez

The educational community of CEIP El Membrillar has managed to recover the second line of Infant. The public center, which had 37 applications in the pre-registration process, and which, on the other hand, was going to have only 25 places for the next course, sees its offer extended to two groups, that is, 50 places.

The center has a morning classroom, dining room and extracurricular activities. In addition, this year it has released the bioclimatization system, participates in programs and projects such as Steam for robotics, digital transformation, healthy habits and innovation projects. In addition, any citizen of Jerez can see how the surroundings of the center are currently the area with the highest population growth in Jerez, with the delivery of more than 300 homes in its closest perimeter. That is why Ustea denounced the illogicality of cutting said unit.

“These cuts,” they have said, “are part of a mechanism that we have already denounced in other courses and that we will continue to denounce, such as the so-called cuts a priori. We regret that you take advantage of the month prior to the start of the school period to make a downward offer; they assign an offer of places in public centers that is always less than last year and the Education Delegation excuses themselves by saying that if there are more applications they will consider an extension of the offer, which leads to a clear damage to said centers, since that condition the possibilities of choice for families who, when they reach the limit of applications, stop applying for said center for fear of being left out and opt for other centers”.

Thus, they have assured from the union, although “we celebrate the achievement of the second group, the result of the deaf and continuous work from the union, the management team and the AMPA in their different areas of work (meetings with the Provincial Delegation of Education, petition in schooling commissions, public denunciation of the cuts, conversations with educational planning, announcement of mobilizations, etc.), cannot help but be sad about the discrimination against public schools in our city”.

In addition to the other classrooms cut to the other centers, the dining room service has not been granted to La Alcazaba or Arana Beato, despite having been requesting it for years and having sufficient spaces for its implementation and with the support of the Jerez City Council for small conditioning works. From Ustea, they have affirmed, “we want to encourage the educational communities of these centers to continue mobilizing to ensure that they are treated fairly. In this fight we will always be by their side.”

“We cannot fail to remember the Ministry of Education, a clamor that has already reached the Andalusian Parliament, in the form of a Popular Legislative Initiative with more than 50,000 signatures, and which was rejected with the exclusive vote against of the Popular Party and is not other than the urgent need to lower school ratios. A decision that would alleviate the cuts in Public Schools while at the same time it would have a very positive effect on the attention of the students”.

2023-05-15 06:38:40
#educational #community #CEIP #Membrillar #manages #recover #line #Infant

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