www.cedulacatastral.com is an extremely necessary tool that allows you to request a Cadastral Certificate or Parcel State in an agile, fast and reliable way, throughout the province of Buenos Aires, including the Federal Capital.
Inside the website (www.cedulacatastral.com) Interested parties may make their cadastral inquiries, referring to work plans and technical certificates necessary to have all the papers of their property in order and up to date.
The cadastral certificate or parcel status is a legal and mandatory document for the sale of a property, since it includes all the documentation corresponding to the physical, legal and economic cadastral data of the same. In addition, it can also be requested to make a mortgage, an inheritance or even a donation.
The Tandilian Surveyor Juan Francisco Cardinale, in charge of this digital development and with more than 15 years of experience in the field, recognized the importance of carrying out the cadastral certificate process and gave some details of the brand new easy-to-use tool for residents and professionals from other towns in the province of Buenos Aires who include it in their real estate routine. “Using this page or WhatsApp, to answer any questions that arise regarding the documentation that we must have updated on our properties, allows us to firmly face a real estate operation,” explained the professional.
The cadastral certificate must be made for a purchase, sale, exchange, succession, donation, mortgage, among other notarial procedures. The effective validity of the same depends on the type of property. In urban real estate: vacant land for 2 years and built-up land for 3 years. While, for rural properties, it is 3 years, whether for vacant or built.
It should be remembered that to request the cadastral certificate, the cadastral nomenclature or real estate item will be needed. With these data, the professional team of cedulacatastral.com will be able to locate the property, verifying if it has a previous valid cadastral certificate and, if not, prepare a new one.
The brand new platform will serve different professionals, such as lawyers, notaries or auctioneers, and also the general public, to have advice on legal surveying issues. This service, headed by Juan Francisco Cardinale and a great work team, speeds up time and facilitates the completion of a real estate transaction and the notarial act.
The cedulacatastral.com team, which has achieved great strategic alliances with registered professionals from the entire province of Buenos Aires and the Federal Capital, allows us to count on the speed and reliability of the services to “improve your professional advice”. For more information, interested parties may contact WhatsApp 11 4406 0085as well as: info@cedulacatastral.com and if not by entering the web: www.cedulacatastral.com