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Cécile (MAPR) collapses on Instagram and reveals to her subscribers that she lied to them!

Cécile had quarreled with her daughter Anissa. This Tuesday, September 28, in a story on Instagram, she admitted that she had not been in contact with her for more than a week!

Viewers discovered her in early March during the fifth season of Married at first sight. This mom wanted to find a soul mate thanks to the M6 ​​show. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out with his suitor Alain. Experts had predicted 83% compatibility! But they soon ended up divorcing.

In any case, Cécile had marked the spirits thanks to her daughter Anissa. At the time, everything was going for the best between the mother and her daughter. At the end of the season, Cécile had experienced an upheaval in her daily life. Divorce, move, new companion… and new job for his daughter Anissa! Indeed, her 18-year-old daughter took advantage of the spotlight to land a job in an influencer agency. Very proud, her mother still wanted to take care of the grains.

The projectors of M6 ruined their life!

“We will do quality product placements only, not drop shipping. I hope that all of this will open Anissa’s eyes to a different world that is not superficial ” Cécile thus made known. “I supervise Anissa on partnership requests, I put her in an agency because I don’t have time to manage everything. She is only 18 years old, I want her to build herself, to be well in her head and to find a permanent job. “ added the young divorced.

The spotlights of the show have also turned his life upside down. In an interview with our colleagues from TV-Leisure, Cécile had explained the harsh consequences of her sudden celebrity. “I even expedited my daughter Anissa’s return home to protect her. », She had indeed dropped in the columns of Télé-Loisirs on April 26 latest. “People come to see me on my terrace, it’s scary. In the street, it is also impressive. It is borderline uneasy. People do extraordinary things and fail to make themselves known and us, because we spend two months on TV… ”, she continued.

“We come to my house and that, I hate”

Sunday, May 16, on her Instagram account, she again expressed her dissatisfaction. “This notoriety is fleeting. Overnight, we recognize you. It is not easy. People come to my house and I hate that ”, she ignited in a story.

This time, she did not hesitate to point the finger at the responsibility of the production. “Thank you to the production which filmed my residence, moreover I will be moving… I am also called at night on my phone. ” Fortunately, Cécile still has some positive experiences. “But otherwise it’s just kindness with people happy to meet me on the street. ”


Only here, her new lover who prefers to remain anonymous, is not used to being unmasked in the street. “For now, I will protect him”, she thus let know. Because the latter is not used to being alpaca in the street by strangers. “When I walk in the street, I am recognized and I know what attitude to have… But he is far from all that. So that scares him a little ”, developed Cécile.

“Being a mom is the hardest thing in the world.«

But ultimately, it’s his daughter Anissa who’s going through a rough patch right now. While Cécile acted as if everything was fine on Instagram, she finally cracked. Tuesday, September 28, the former candidate seized her Instagram account. ” I lied to you. This is not necessarily going well. We had an argument with Anissa, she’s been gone for a week and I have a lot of fun. In fact, kids are ungrateful. Being a mom is the hardest thing in the world. Beside, the job is nothing« , Cécile thus let go, in tears.

Without news of her daughter, the mother is freaked out. Cécile is angry with her daughter but ensures that the door is always open to her. “The only one who can touch me in this world is my daughter. We all have our flaws, I’m my daughter. It will pass, we continue to move forward“, Thus assured the mother of Anissa. For the moment, the girl has not given any news. We hope in any case that she is well!

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