SPD, Greens and DGB criticize CDU decision on Saxony’s debt brake
Saxony’s CDU continues to reject easing the debt brake. The coalition partner of the CDU and Saxony’s DGB chairman reacted to the cancellation with clear criticism.

Going into debt to finance investments? Or only spend what is available? There is a heated debate about this in Saxony.
© Zacharie Scheurer/dpa
Dresden. The state parliamentary groups of SPD and Greens as well as the German trade union federation in Saxony have reacted with incomprehension to the refusal of the CDU state parliamentary group to support a reform of the debt brake anchored in the state constitution in the current legislative period.
2023-04-28 00:15:20
#SPD #Greens #DGB #criticize #CDU #decision #Saxonys #debt #brake