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CDU supports Corona investigation committee in Thuringia

The CDU welcomes the BSW’s request for a Corona investigation committee in Thuringia. On I have already called for it in the form of a study commission in 2022. At the federal level, the Union is still opposing an investigative committee.

The Thuringian BSW submitted an application for the corresponding investigative committee to the Thuringian state parliament on Wednesday. The necessary quorum of 18 MPs, i.e. a fifth of all who supported the motion, was achieved thanks to support from the CDU parliamentary group. Four CDU MPs, including parliamentary group leader Mario Voigt, supported the motion. Opposite the Welt the federal chairwoman of the BSW, Sarah Wagenknecht, was pleased about the support of the CDU. However, she also criticized the fact that such an instrument was “blocked by the traffic light parties and the CDU” in the Bundestag.

Unlike in Thuringia, where the BSW, also with reference to the constitutive state parliament session, refused to cooperate with the AfD on the application for the investigative committee, the party expects this at the federal level. The BSW also wants to set up a Corona investigation committee there, apparently with the support of the AfD. They have already loudly announced their support for the BSW application.

Sarah Wagenknecht’s party had recently placed the issue at the forefront of its political efforts. In Saxony, where, as in Thuringia, the BSW wants to govern with the CDU and SPD, the issue has made coalition negotiations considerably more difficult. The BSW’s insistence on an investigative committee is met with little approval there. The second introductory meeting between the three potential coalition partners ended last Friday without any results (Apollo News reported).

In the investigative committee, how the Welt reports that the “actions and omissions” of the Thuringian state government in the wake of the Corona crisis are being examined for errors. It should also be clarified whether the Corona measures were proportionate and “compatible with constitutional principles”.


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