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CDU should stand firm on the debt brake and asylum


July 13, 2021 – 11:52 am Clock

Radebeul (dpa / sn) – The conservative union of values ​​in the CDU has called on the top of the party in Saxony to stand firm on conflict-laden issues such as the debt brake and asylum. “There is a crunch in the Saxon Kenya coalition. The Greens and the SPD want to open the debt limits and restrict deportations even further,” declared Union of Values ​​boss Ulrich Link on Tuesday in Radebeul. That is why they appeal to the CDU not to buckle, but to remain consistent.

“The Saxon Union is still resisting the green-red policy, which consistently opposes the interests of the citizens of Saxony on both points. If the constitution of the Free State of Saxony were to be changed with the help of the left, this would be a violation from the point of view of the Saxon Union of Values represent against the decision of the CDU “, it said. According to the party congress resolution, cooperation with the AfD and the left is excluded.

The background is a debate about the repayment of the debt that Saxony took up in connection with the Corona crisis. According to the constitution, the loans must be repaid over a period of eight years. The SPD, the Greens and the Left are calling for the repayment to be extended over time. For a constitutional amendment, the coalition would have to rely on the votes of the left because a two-thirds majority is necessary.

When it comes to asylum, too, the Union of Values ​​insists on previous regulations. “If an asylum procedure has been completed in a constitutional state like Germany and the applicant is obliged to leave the country, this obligation to leave the country must also be enforced immediately. This is the only way to maintain people’s trust in the constitutional state.” It appeals to the top of the CDU “to show toughness towards the green-red splinter parties and to continue to represent the law, the law and the interests of our citizens on both points,” it said.

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Source: DPA

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