Home » today » News » CDU leader Laschet, who wanted to succeed Merkel, becomes parliamentarian after disastrous elections

CDU leader Laschet, who wanted to succeed Merkel, becomes parliamentarian after disastrous elections

Laschet, 60, is under heavy pressure in his party to step down as party leader.Statue Marcel Kusch/dpa

The elections at the end of September were disastrous for the CDU headed by Laschet: the party achieved its worst result ever with the loss of a quarter of the seats and had to resign from the chancellorship after 16 years of uninterrupted rule.

It is not known whether the 60-year-old Laschet will remain as party leader, but he is under heavy pressure in his party to also relinquish that position.

Laschet said at the beginning of October that he was ready to take a step back: if his person stood in the way of forming a coalition between the CDU, the centre-right FDP and the left-wing Greens, he wanted to resign if his party did so. the government could stay.

However, the chances of government participation are slim as the FDP and Greens without the CDU have embarked on coalition talks with the social-democratic SDP, which became the largest. They hope to present a cabinet in December, probably with SDP leader Olaf Scholz as the new chancellor.

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