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CDU crisis after AKK withdrawal: SPD only remains with Merkel as Chancellor in Groko – politics

After Announcement of the resignation of CDU boss Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer: The SPD ties the The grand coalition to Chancellor Angela Merkel continues (CDU). “Angela Merkel is the current chancellor. We went into this coalition with her. And with it, we will also leave this coalition again – regularly on the next election date, ”said SPD general secretary Lars Klingbeil,

Kramp-Karrenbauer had announced that it would give up party chairmanship and not want to run as CDU candidate for chancellor. Chancellor Angela Merkel warned, given the unrest in her party, that the CDU was at risk of losing its government responsibility. The Differentiation from the AfD called it a “special challenge”.

Former Union faction leader Friedrich Merz warned his party to restore the character of a people’s party, That reports the “picture”. “We have to integrate from the edges into the middle,” quotes the newspaper.

CSU boss Markus Söder has the CDU in front of you “Total break with the Merkel era” warned. Söder also spoke out in the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” against the early withdrawal of Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU). “That would be wrong. Germany needs a stable government with an internationally respected chancellor, ”said the Bavarian Prime Minister.

According to Kramp-Karrenbauer, her successor as party leader and the candidate for chancellor should not be decided until December. But many Union politicians think that is wrong and push for a quick clarification of personnel issues, In addition to Markus Söder, Chief of the sister party CSU, too Union faction leader Ralph Brinkhaus, CDU foreign politician Norbert Röttgen and several top regional associations.

As successors to AKK, NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet, Friedrich Merz and Minister of Health Jens Spahn are given the best chances.

The CDU stands in front of one Personnel and also one Directional decision – in which the CSU wants to have a weighty say.

Background to Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer’s resignation:

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