Home » today » News » CDU Accuses Offenbach Traffic Light Coalition of Misinterpreting Mobile City Police Station Proposal

CDU Accuses Offenbach Traffic Light Coalition of Misinterpreting Mobile City Police Station Proposal

Offenbach ⋅ The CDU Offenbach accuses the traffic light coalition of SPD, Greens and FDP in the Offenbach city council of negligently or intentionally misinterpreting the Union’s proposal for a mobile city police station. In doing so, the coalition wants to generate an opportunity to criticize the incumbent black-green state government.

The Offenbach coalition rejected the CDU’s proposal at the most recent meeting of the city council on the grounds that the financially weak city of Offenbach could not compensate for the undesirable developments that the CDU-led state government was responsible for because it was withdrawing from its responsibility as a police officer in Offenbach . In contrast, the city is creating 19.5 positions in the city police in the new budget, according to the SPD’s statement on the decision against the CDU proposal for a mobile guard.

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