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CDMX weather today May 29: yellow alert persists due to high temperatures

Climate CDMX
For this Saturday, a day with a very hot environment and a cloudy, clear sky is expected, with possible isolated rains in Mexico City. PHOTO: Cuartoscuro.

CDMX weather today: the Secretariat for Comprehensive Risk Management and Civil Protection (SGIRPC) reported that for this Saturday The Yellow Alert was activated due to the forecast of high temperatures, of up to 28 to 30 degrees Celsius in the afternoon of this Saturday, May 29, in at least nine districts of Mexico City.

It is Saturday A very hot day is expected with clear skies to partly cloudy, and few conditions are foreseen for the presence of rains, although isolated rains and showers could occur during the afternoon and night.

The Yellow Alert applies for the period from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the municipalities:

  • Azcapotzalco
  • Benito Juarez
  • Coyoacan
  • Cuauhtémoc
  • Gustavo A. Madero
  • Iztacalco
  • Iztapalapa
  • Miguel Hidalgo
  • Venustiano Carranza

For his part, National Metereological Service (SMN), noted that a Saturday with partly cloudy skies in the morning and partly cloudy to cloudy during the evening, with a probability of showers and showers (5.1 to 25.0 mm in 24 h) in areas of Mexico City and the State of Mexico, which could be accompanied by electric shock.

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