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Cdm: reform of the criminal trial passes unanimously | M5s in crisis on prescription: Draghi and Cartabia median

The M5s and the compromise with Draghi

The pentastellated ministers had in fact arrived at Palazzo Chigi holding the abstention line, due to the impossibility of settling the deep internal fracture of the Movement. But Draghi brought them together in his office and sought a solution, which compacted the government on a qualifying dossier. The solution was to expressly mention the crimes against the Public Administration, including corruption and extortion, among the “serious” crimes for which the time limitation of the trial is now longer.

The tensions in the majority, the promise of “loyalty” in Parliament

The mediation that changed the cards in extremis, however, unnerved the parties of the center-right and Italia Viva: Fi asked for a suspension of the CDM to investigate. Eventually the solution passed. And now the prime minister has asked for “loyalty” to get the text approved in Parliament. But in the M5s the dissent remains: in the Chamber, where the Cartabia reform will arrive with a package of amendments in the Justice Committee, the “pasdaran” announce battle. After hours of high tension and a final confrontation – with suspension of the meeting – between M5s on the one hand, and FI and IV on the other, Draghi took the floor in the Council of Ministers and asked, with force and clarity, if all the CDM supports the text “with conviction” and whether the majority is “loyal” in Parliament. Everyone is silent. Thus there is unanimity on the Cartabia reform at the Council table, without a formal vote but with a political commitment that will be up to the ministers to enforce.

Bonafede reform on statute of limitations passed

Review of the Bonafede reform on the statute of limitations, M5s in crisis The Keeper, after long mediation work with the parties of the large majority, has collected the agreement on a substantial set of rules that reform the criminal process, to make the times faster and more certain . But the passage of the text to the Chambers will not be painless. The eyes are focused in particular on an M5s in an identity crisis, who experiences the revision of the Bonafede prescription reform, approved by the Conte government and since then a bastion of the Five Stars as a painful step.

The day, the contrasts, the final green light

The acceleration of Draghi, who brings the text to the Council of Ministers despite the auspices of the postponement pentastellates, made the M5s ministers experience two days of tribulation. After the distribution, in the late morning, of the agenda of the CDM, which confirmed the examination of the text for Thursday afternoon, the Five Stars met in conclave for four hours. There were ministers, group leaders and several “big names”, including former minister Alfonso Bonafede. The “Contiana” wing has been described as the most aggressive compared to a text which, as the accusation is, would weaken the fight in particular against crimes such as corruption. From the ranks of parliamentarians accused the ministers, who from the beginning were more open to mediation. What has already been achieved is not enough, how to avoid the limits to the possibility of the prosecutor to appeal: the proposal of the hard wing of the Contian faith is to abstain in the Council of Ministers. To then be free in Parliament not to vote or vote against. The alternative would be to split: the abstention line passes. But here a second game opened, at Palazzo Chigi, where Cartabia worked closely with Draghi all day. The premier and the minister met Di Maio, Patuanelli, D’Incà, Dadone. The Minister of Justice explained that many proposals have been accepted.

Like Draghi, he went to meet the M5s, without upsetting the text of the Cartabia reform

On the statute of limitations, the Bonafede reform remains unaffected in the first instance (the statute of limitations stops for all after the sentence), then on appeal and the Supreme Court the procedural terms (two years and one year) start, after which the process is closed due to inadmissibility. There is more: for the most serious crimes those terms can rise to three years and eighteen months respectively. But that wasn’t enough for the M5s. It is necessary to put in writing – they ask – that among those most serious crimes there are also those against the Public Administration. The request has passed: the pentastellati have therefore returned to meet, knowing that the mediation will displease many, but at this point they can no longer say no.

The irritation of the center-right and Iv for the changes made

Everything good? No, because when the Cdm begins two hours late, Renato Brunetta for Fi asked for a suspension: the cards on the table were changed at the last minute, it is going in a direction that is not appreciated by the Azzurri. Cartabia, however, reassured that there are no automatisms for the lengthening of the appeal times and the Supreme Court for crimes against the Public Administration: the process can be extended for a maximum of one year – but the term could be reduced – due to the particular complexity of the procedure, due to the number of the parties or of the charges. “Do you support this reform?” Asked Draghi. In the end, the ministers’ yes is unanimous, in the form of silent assent.

The reactions, Iv: “Mediation does not change the substance” The League (the only party to unmark itself so far in the CDM with the abstention on the Covid decree) claims to have mediated for the agreement and to have prevented the prison from disappearing, thanks to alternative rites, for serious crimes such as criminal association and corruption. Iv underlines how the changes made to please the Five stars do not change the substance (“The Bonafede reform is in the attic”, said Enrico Costa, of Action), but were made only in favor of cameras: in Parliament – say the Renzians – we will work to file the text. The Democratic Party reminds everyone how essential the justice reform is to obtain the funds of the Recovery plan. And for that credibility of the country on which Draghi strongly points. In the Chamber, where the text is expected in the Chamber on 23 July, a new game will open. To the ministers (Five stars above all) the task of enforcing the commitment to “loyalty” and not trying to overturn the text.

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