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CDA: this is significantly less than hoped | Inland

The election results as they emerge in the first exit poll are “significantly less than hoped for”, said CDA campaign leader and State Secretary Raymond Knops in an initial response on Wednesday evening. The ChristenUnie is “hopeful that we will hold five seats,” says party number two Carola Schouten. 50Plus will probably only have one seat left after years of arguing, while the SGP remains stable at three seats.

Three months ago, the CDA changed its party leader: Corona Minister Hugo de Jonge made way for Minister of Finance Wopke Hoekstra. Knops does not yet want to say whether the disappointing prognosis is due to this. “It is now too early to draw any conclusions. It’s an exit poll, the evening is still long, I don’t want to get ahead of it. ”

The ChristenUnie is “hopeful that we will hold five seats,” says party number two Carola Schouten in response to the first exit poll. In it, the party has four seats, although such a poll has relatively large margins of error. “It remains to be seen what ultimately the result will be,” said Schouten, who was deputy prime minister in the cabinet on behalf of her party. “We have shown that you can maintain and govern your ideals.”


In 2017, the smallest coalition party won five seats, and in the Polling Guide the ChristenUnie was on a small profit. Furthermore, Schouten does not want to anticipate the final result too much. “Let’s see what the result is first. They are just exit polls. ”

Van der Staaij ‘grateful’ if SGP keeps 3 seats

SGP leader Kees van der Staaij would be “grateful” if his party does indeed hold three seats, as the first exit polls from Ipsos predict. Van der Staaij responds on Wednesday evening in a live stream from Studio SGP, the party’s own online news.

The Christian party leader also responded on Twitter with delight to the first exit polls: “If the SGP is indeed allowed to keep the three seats amidst all the shifts, I experience that as a great blessing.”

In 2017 his party also took three seats. “I would like to thank all SGP voters for the trust they have placed in us. Exciting what the final result will be. ”

50Plus marginalized

50Plus leader Liane den Haan is “very happy” that her party has obtained a seat according to the exit poll. On Tuesday, according to some polls, the party threatened to disappear completely from the House of Representatives. Ipsos does apply a margin of two seats. The party may therefore disappear from the House of Representatives.

Den Haan hopes that 50Plus will get “at least one seat”. “That would do justice to our campaign. The battle is not over yet. ”

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