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CDA can make ‘no compromises’ on the theme of completed life

The formation may be further complicated by a new CDA resolution. The CDA is sharpening its position on the completed life law even further, writes NRC. At the party congress on Saturday, it is likely that a resolution by a group of critical members will be approved that states that the CDA “cannot make compromises” on the theme of completed life. It is a theme that D66 wants to deal with during the coming term of office.

According to CDA, the completed life law is incompatible with the party’s fundamental principles. The resolution calls on the party, which left the subject unnamed in the last election manifesto, under no circumstances to cooperate with the introduction of such a law in a next cabinet.


“For Christian people, such a law is unpalatable”, explains parliamentary reporter Eric Vrijsen in Goedemorgen Nederland on NPO 1. “Because then you as a human being will decide on the length of your life. That is different from euthanasia if you are terminally ill.”

For D66 leader Sigrid Kaag, the private member’s bill was enough reason to exclude the ChristenUnie, which strongly opposes this, from a new cabinet. The completed life law, which D66 submitted last year, must give elderly people over the age of 75 the right to take their own life, even if they are not seriously ill. The law can count on the sympathy of the VVD, but whether there is sufficient support for the law from the rest of the House remains to be seen.

‘This is a free issue’

Vrijsen also thinks that the CDA resolution will make it, but he emphasizes that this is “mainly” a “free issue”. “On matters of life and death, MPs should actually decide according to their own conscience. So you shouldn’t force them from above or through a congressional resolution to think about it in a certain way,” he says.

He also doubts whether the resolution will really be crucial to the formation. “It is not about a large group of Dutch people. We have to make that comparison.”

ALSO READ: Pieter Omtzigt definitively excludes CDA return: “Will be difficult to work fewer hours”

By: Marinka Wagemans

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