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CCP Military Recruitment: Focus on College Students, Prepare for Large-Scale War

[The Epoch Times, February 13, 2024](Epoch Times reporters Cheng Jing and Luo Ya interviewed and reported) The CCP’s recent military recruitment documents revealed that it requires college students to be the focus, leaving “no dead spots” in rural areas, and compulsory military service for those who go out to work or go to school. . Experts believe that the CCP’s expansion of recruitment is preparing for a large-scale all-out war. Although Xi Jinping is currently unable to attack Taiwan, he does not rule out taking risks to escape the crisis.

The CCP’s military recruitment focuses on college students and recruits them back after retirement

Recently, the Chinese Communist Party’s Hebei Province held a video and telephone conference on military recruitment, saying it would “implement Xi Jinping’s thoughts on strengthening the military.” Ni Yuefeng, Secretary of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and First Secretary of the Party Committee of the Provincial Military Region, said that the recruitment work in 2024 will focus on college students and send more high-quality young people to the army; Party committee secretaries at all levels are the first person responsible for the party’s management of the armed forces, and must be responsible for the recruitment work Take overall responsibility and catch it personally.

A source in Hebei, Mr. Li, recently disclosed to The Epoch Times that the Chinese Communist Party has recruited back soldiers who have been discharged within five years. This is what happened to the husband of his colleague, who was worried about going to war.

“This time the recruitment is divided into urban household registration and rural household registration, and the military age is mainly 24 years old. It is not specified whether it is 24 years old or false. In addition, it pays attention to the cultural quality of the soldiers. College students and university graduates are required to adapt to future information warfare. The preparations will also solve the employment problem of unemployed youth (in cities and towns), which is conducive to maintaining stability.”

He said, “If you have a college diploma, you can serve as a compulsory soldier for two years and then stay in the army to easily obtain the rank of non-commissioned officer. In this way, you can stay until you retire after 12 years. The treatment of the compulsory army is different from that of the 12-year military system, but we will focus on the specific considerations. Date and place of service.

“College students who joined the army this year do have this kind of worry (about war), including people within the system. They all feel like they are going to fly away when disaster strikes.”

“No dead ends” are left in rural areas, and those who go out to work or study are forced to join the army

In addition, an article on the mobilization for military recruitment on the Hebei Township government website of Qiqiharkeshan County stated that “youth who have gone out to work should be mobilized to return to their hometowns to sign up for military service, so that no dead ends are left for military recruitment and mobilization.”

“I received news that college students with rural household registration are being drafted into the army,” Mr. Li told The Epoch Times. “A student at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications told me that all those who go to college in rural areas have moved their household registration to the school’s collective household registration, and may move back to their place of origin after graduation. From last year Initially, those with rural household registration in Hebei Province were required to undergo compulsory military service (military service), but those with urban household registration were not required to do so. This has never been the case before, and everyone was equal before.”

“In the past, the age limit for conscription was very strict, but now the conscription is from 18 to 24 years old. There is no specific information on whether it is 24 years old or false. I feel that it is preparation for war. Both of my mobile phone numbers have received draft notices.”

Mr. Li said, “Last year, not many people were recruited in the military conscription. This year, Hebei leaders said that they must recruit all the people. There are also young people who are worried that they will become cannon fodder if there is a war between the two sides. Some young people are not willing to become soldiers, but there is nothing they can do.” Some time ago, China revised the National Defense Mobilization Law, and the conditions were more relaxed. Anyone with a criminal record will be requisitioned.”

Yuan Hongbing: The CCP is expanding recruitment in rural areas to prepare for a large-scale all-out war

In this regard, Yuan Hongbing, a legal scholar living in Australia, told The Epoch Times on the 13th that there is only one reason for the CCP to expand recruitment in rural areas, and that is to prepare for a large-scale combat operation.

“Because the population base of rural farmers is the largest in China, and the countryside is not the political, economic and cultural center, once a war breaks out, if rural soldiers suffer heavy casualties, it will not quickly trigger the greatest political and economic effects like urban soldiers. This is One of the fundamental reasons why the CCP is now vigorously recruiting rural soldiers.”

Yuan Hongbing said, “From this perspective, we can actually see that the Chinese Communist Party or the Xi Jinping authorities are preparing for a large-scale all-out war.”

On May 1 last year, the CCP began to implement new “Regulations on Military Recruitment,” including that retired soldiers can re-enlist in the army and recruit professional students with high-tech training. A person from Hebei told The Epoch Times that he had been discharged from the army for five years and was asked to return to serve again if he wanted to join the army.

Yuan Hongbing said that last year, the Chinese Communist Party completed the national military service registration and the military service registration of all people. This is the clearest feature of preparations for a war. “When will the CCP prepare to launch a war? We have said that the Xi Jinping administration is now waiting for the results of the 2024 U.S. election.”

“The Xi Jinping authorities have a basic judgment that no matter what the outcome of the U.S. election in 2024, it will cause more serious social and political divisions than the last U.S. election, and this state of division will last for several years. Therefore, the CCP will use this This period should be regarded as one of the so-called window periods for the tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party to solve the Taiwan issue.”

Yuan Hongbing believes that “all the CCP’s current war preparations are for this purpose, that is, to use their so-called window period to launch a war in the Taiwan Strait between 2025 and 2027.”

Expert: Xi is incapable of defeating Taiwan, but may take desperate risks to escape crisis

However, many scholars and experts believe that if the CCP dares to use force, it will collapse when it attacks Taiwan, so they dare not act rashly. In a recent exclusive interview with Voice of America, Yu Maochun, director of the China Center at the Hudson Institute, an American think tank, said that if Xi Jinping pragmatically considers “costs, opportunities and capabilities”, the possibility of using force to attack Taiwan is not high. “It is not easy to attack Taiwan because of amphibious operations. The CCP needs a lot of technological and military improvements in this area, which it does not have yet.”

“I think the main reason why Xi Jinping cannot take these actions (to attack Taiwan) is that he does not have such an opportunity. This opportunity is not created by himself. The opportunity can be given to him by the international community and the free world led by the United States. The opportunity has been rejected.”

Yu Maochun believes that because the United States has never relaxed its defense commitments to Taiwan, it also has the Taiwan Relations Act and various executive orders to implement its commitments to assist Taiwan. Therefore, even though Xi Jinping has great ambitions, “he does not have the guts to take such a big risk” when considering the cost of US military intervention.

Currently, the CCP authorities are facing a political and economic crisis and are experiencing internal and external difficulties. Yuan Hongbing said that it is a common state for people to be disappointed with the Chinese Communist regime. “Since the three-year epidemic, this has developed into a common phenomenon, that is, strong dissatisfaction among the people against the Xi Jinping administration.”

“The CCP faces this kind of popular dissatisfaction, especially Xi Jinping, an adventurous dictator who has inherited the CCP’s tradition of military adventurism. I believe his way to deal with this crisis is to launch new military adventures. The most important and most likely The direction is to launch a war in the Taiwan Strait.”

Yuan Hongbing believes that the CCP’s launch of the Taiwan Strait War is definitely a military adventure. For it, the outcome of this war, if Free Taiwan and the international freedom forces win, will be the end of the tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party.

However, he said that the outcome of the war also depends on whether the Taiwan people have the determination to defend themselves; this kind of iron-blooded war that is independent of the tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party and the sovereignty also depends on whether the international community can firmly and clearly stand on the side of free Taiwan and use Use all your energy to fight back against the tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party and this global expansion of communist totalitarianism.

Editor in charge: Fang Xiayan#

#Scholars #CCPs #expansion #rural #conscription #Prepare #largescale #allout #war #Epoch #Times
2024-02-12 23:40:20

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