Home » today » Business » CCL’s 3-day losing streak recorded 168.21 points, down 0.17% on a weekly basis, reaching a new low of 246 weeks

CCL’s 3-day losing streak recorded 168.21 points, down 0.17% on a weekly basis, reaching a new low of 246 weeks

<匯港通訊> The Central Plains City Leading Index CCL recently returned 168.21 points, hitting a low of 246 weeks, returning to the February 2018 level, down 0.17% on a weekly basis.

The main index of large housing estates in the city of Central Plains, CCL Mass, registered 168.64 points, hitting a new low of 250 weeks, returning to the level of January 2018, down 0.07% week over week. CCL (small and medium-sized units) reported 166.81 points, a new 250-week low, returning to the January 2018 level, down 0.04% on a weekly basis. Large Units (CCL) reported 175.14 points, a new 86-week low, returning to February 2021 levels, down 0.73% on a weekly basis. Property prices continued to decline. The four major indices overall fell for 3 weeks. CCL fell 1.41%, CCL Mass fell 1.22%, CCL (small and medium units) fell 1.30% and CCL (large units) fell 1.90% .

Huang Liangsheng, senior co-director of Centaline Real Estate’s research department, pointed out that with the continued rise in interest rates, property prices have continued to fall. CCL fell 1.41% for 3 consecutive weeks and the index continued to hit lows. CCL is lower, just 8.21 points or 5.13% from the low of 160 points, which is estimated to be reached by the end of 2022. On October 24, the Hang Seng index fell sharply and over the same period the Interbank interest rate has gone up, but the impact on property prices will not be reflected until the CCL’s announcement in late November. (B. C)


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