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C’Chartres Basket begins with a victory

Until the end, it was hot, this Saturday, September 26, at the Jean-Cochet hall. But it was the Chartres Basket Féminin that had the last word. For his first championship match of the season, the formation of Benoît Marty disposed of Calais 87 to 84.

A return to school already under tension for C’Chartres BF which faces Calais

The teammates of Johanna Tayeau will have been at the end of themselves to afford the scalp of Calaisiennes who should suffer big fish from the L2F this season. The Chartraines will have been able, above all, to resist the big biscottos of the neo-Calaisiennes Pauline Akonga and Shelby Saint-Juste.

It is the interior sector of the COB which will have dominated the start of the match (4-9, 3 ‘). But, opposite, the new captain of Chartres Kekelly Elenga gave the reply to bring his training back to contact (15-15, 7 ‘).

The two teams then looked each other straight in the eye, answering each other tit for tat (24-24, 13 ‘). The CCBF, after being behind by 5 points (28-33, 15 ‘), then let go of the horses just before the break to make a gap (46-39, 20’).

An end of the game with a knife

The Chartraines continued at the same pace after returning from the locker room to have a 12 point lead (51-39, 21 ‘). But the COB Calais gradually nibbled its delay thanks to Akonga and Saint-Juste, always them. The Calaisiennes took six lengths ahead (64-70, 33 ‘).

The opponents of C’Chartres, girls and boys, are known!

We thought the Chartraines were badly embarked but it was without counting on the nerve of Binta Dramé (72-75, 35 ‘). The atmosphere then became unbreathable and at the end of the game with a knife, it was the captain Joelly Belleka who took up her responsibilities to bring her training to victory (87-84, 40 ‘).

CHARTRES (Jean-Cochet hall). C’Chartres BF beats COB Calais 87 to 84 (half time: 46-39) (quarter time: 21-20, 25-19, 17-23, 24-22). Arbitrators: MM. Goux and Henriques. Spectators: 250.
C’Chartres BF : Married (2), Dramé (16), Tayeau (5), Ewodo (6), Hillotte (13), Belleka (17), Bienvenu (4), Colombo (4), Koïta (-), Elenga (20).
Calais : Stervinou (17), Parisi (0), Brossmann (8), Wembanyama (0), Laporal (-), Akonga (21), Duflo (0), Devillers (17), Saint-Juste (19), El Garti (19). 2).

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