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Cava de’ Tirreni, collapses and cliffs: provincial alarm

Gruyere roads and also very dangerous. Only a part of the provincial road axis that affects the territory of the Metellian city with its numerous critical issues has been studied and analyzed by Gennaro Vitale, head of the Security department of the political movement “La Fratellanza”. «Unfortunately, there are numerous inconveniences that have long been experienced by the citizens of Cavesi who use these provincial arteries either to go to work, school, or to reach their homes».

These are the roads that deserve greater attention from Palazzo Sant’Agostino to avoid accidents, often fatal. For months, unfortunately, the provincial road 129 in Croce is affected by a narrowing of the roadway due to a deep depression which also caused a collapse of a perimeter wall. Due to this inconvenience, part of the public lighting is also out of order. Near the narrowing of the artery there is also a pole with an unsafe lamppost bent at the base presumably due to the impact of some vehicle.

Naturally, without any intervention, the danger for both pedestrians and motorists is considerable. Due to some gusts of wind, it could break off and hit anyone who happens to pass by. Despite the petitions of the inhabitants of the Metellina district, nothing has happened so far the resolution of this problem seems very distant.

#Cava #Tirreni #collapses #cliffs #provincial #alarm
– 2024-04-24 15:27:27

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