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Caustic soda kills 3 people, a female police lieutenant and her child at the police house He bought it and put it in a clogged pipe! Inhale and exhale

The most painful, caustic soda kills a female police lieutenant and her daughter 3 bodies in the bathroom of a police residence. Before the event, my daughter’s friend went to buy caustic soda and poured it over the clogged pipe and closed the door. The younger girl did not know about it and went to the dining room and inhaled the smoke until she lost consciousness. The mother and the elder daughter went to help and they were not careful, they all fell unconscious together. Until someone came to see him, he inhaled his lungs, unable to hold on for life. Police friends revealed that the deceased was a single mother who loved her two children. She will be retiring next month. I’m sure it’s not suicide. The body was sent for an autopsy to determine the exact cause again.

A sad story about using caustic soda to kill a clogged drain that killed a mother and her children in the bathroom This case was published at 1:00 pm on August 12, Police Lieutenant Karnpasut. Pornwatsirikul, Assistant Inspector (Investigation), Muang Chonburi Police Station We were told that 3 people were unconscious and in a critical condition inside the police welfare house. Mueang Chonburi Police Station, No. 23/61, Bang Pla Soi Sub-District, to Pol. go help

The crime scene was a two-story wooden house with many rooms arranged in a long row behind the police station. Muang Chonburi Police Station Inside the bathroom on the ground floor, the bodies of three women were found lying unconscious on the floor, including Police Lieutenant Ananya or Captain Nok Busayakul, aged 60, Deputy Police investigation, Muang Chonburi Police Station. Ms. Chitpisut Busayakul, 34 years old, the eldest daughter, and Miss Pannika Busayakul, 25 years old, the youngest daughter, each had their mouths shut. Dark green nails and lips A bottle of a particular brand of pipe cleaner was found lying around. There was a strong smell of chemical vapors spread throughout the bathroom and inside the house. The medical team and the rescuers had to open the doors and windows to release the smell before they took the three bodies of the mother and the child out to give CPR and first- to give help outside the house. But he could not resist and the three died later.

Ask Ms. Khaofang (first name and last name withheld), Tom’s close friend. Ms Jitpisut, the eldest daughter, revealed that she had just come to see a friend at home on August 11. Before the morning incident, Police Lieutenant Ananya, or Mae Nok, had gone to buy caustic soda to put in a pipe in the bathroom downstairs​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ . After I bought it for myself, I drove the sedan out to run errands. Until after noon, I came home and saw no one. Called, there was no answer. I walked up the stairs to see that no one was there. Walking downstairs, I opened the bathroom door and was shocked to find the bodies of 3 mothers and children lying in a heap on the floor. There was a strong smell of chemical fumes in the bathroom. He quickly called his neighbors and called the police and rescuers to come help, but they were too late.

At first, the police handled the incident and accepted that the death of three people, a mother and a child, was an accidental result of inhaling caustic vapors or perhaps hydrogen sulfide coming out of the drain. It is believed that before the incident, Captain Nok poured caustic soda down the water pipe in the bathroom and closed the door. The younger girl came to the bathroom and probably inhaled the smoke until she lost consciousness. As a result of the condition he first found, he took off his long pants and pajamas and dropped them to his knees as he sat on the toilet, then he lost consciousness and he fell face down on the floor. My mother and elder sister heard the sound and rushed to help. But they weren’t careful so they inhaled the vapors until the three lost consciousness.

However, the police have not ruled out whether it was a deliberate suicide or murder. Meanwhile, close police friends will be questioned to see if Captain Nok has discussed any problems or not. Including co-ordinating forensic officers to thoroughly re-examine the crime scene.

Asking a police friend revealed that Police Lieutenant Ananya or Captain Nok is a single mother. Stays at home with 2 daughters, works in the audit department. He will retire at the end of September. Captain Nok loves his two daughters very much. As for personal debt, I don’t know because he never talked about this issue. The incident is believed to be an accident. But we have to wait for the autopsy results from the forensic doctor at Chonburi Hospital again to find out what exactly caused the death of the 3 mothers and children.

2024-08-12 22:07:00
#Caustic #soda #kills #people #female #police #lieutenant #child #police #house #bought #put #clogged #pipe #Inhale #exhale

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