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Causes of Sweet and Sour Fruit

KOMPAS.comFruit very famous for its many nutritional content. These nutrients are needed and beneficial for the human body.

Apart from the many nutrients, taste fruit also very diverse. Some are sweet, but there are also some that taste sour, even though they come from the same tree or plant.

Do you know Why does this happen?

The sugar content of the fruit

Reporting from Hale Groves, it turns out that the nutritional content in the fruit greatly affects the sweet or sour taste it creates.

The fruit can be said to be sweet if the sugar content is high. The higher the content, the sweeter it will be. Similarly, fruits with low sugar content will tend to taste sour.

For example, citrus fruits do not always taste sour or sweet, because they depend on their sugar and citric acid content. The dominance of the sugar or citric acid content in oranges greatly affects the taste that arises.

If the sugar content in oranges is high, it will taste sweet. But if the citric acid content is higher, then the taste tends to be sour.

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Other nutrients in the fruit also greatly affect its taste. Even if the sugar content is high, but the water content is more, the fruit will tend to taste bland or tasteless. Likewise, the taste of sweet and sour fruit, because the content of sugar and acid is balanced.

In essence, the nutritional content and the percentage level greatly affect the taste of the fruit. Different nutrients in each fruit cause the fruit to be rich in taste and not monotonous.

Existence taste buds

It’s not only the nutritional content in fruit that affects its taste. Existence taste buds in every part of the human tongue, also affects the taste of the fruit that is consumed.

Taste buds plays a very big role in the process of interpreting and capturing the taste on the tongue. Broadly speaking, the human tongue can taste five tastes, namely sweet, sour, salty, bitter and also umami.

Quoting from Kids Health, taste buds have microscopic hair that is very sensitive or known as microvilli. These hairs will send messages to the brain, how the microvilli interpret and taste a food.

Existence taste buds, so we can taste sour or sweet on the fruit that is consumed. Taste buds interpret and capture the nutritional content in the fruit, then send it to the brain. The same process and continues to happen repeatedly when we eat food.

Also read: Why is Durian Called the King of Fruits?

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