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Causes of rising car temperatures and how to anticipate them

Description Car temperature rise. Photo: Ist / Net

The cause of the increase in car temperature is usually uncontrolled heat in the vehicle. When driving a car, it is natural for the engine temperature to rise. Such conditions indicate that the engine is operating to release heat.

But when it happens suddenly, it can cause concern for the owner. Especially if you don’t know what the exact reason is. The temperature of the car can go up and down without you being able to predict.

Causes of car temperature rise and how to overcome them

Heat can be generated in a car engine due to the combustion process between fuel and air in the engine. For that, the car needs a cooling system to control the working temperature of the engine in order to lower it so it doesn’t overheat. Thus, excessive heat in the car engine can cause dangerous damage.

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Rising engine temperatures are common, especially in vehicles that are rarely maintained. If you do not pay attention to this condition immediately, it can cause permanent damage to the car. Well, to prevent it, you need to know the cause of the increase in car temperature and how to overcome it.

Radiator flowing out of water

When the radiator drains water, it can have an impact on the performance of the engine cooling system that is not optimal. As a car owner, you should always pay attention to the radiator water level. Immediately add radiator water when the altitude begins to decrease to prevent overheating of the car engine.

Not only that, it also causes the engine temperature to rise. Errors in the use of radiator water can trigger this condition. Using radiator water with plain water or mineral water will actually clog the engine or radiator.

In fact, the use of original radiator water can also cause leaks in the radiator. This is because the metal and mineral content in the water is not good for engine performance. Well, to overcome this situation, there is no harm in using a radiator air conditioner to improve the cooling process.

V-belt is broken or cracked

This fan belt or V-belt plays an important role in maintaining the stability of the car’s temperature. If a problem occurs in this section it will affect the operation of the water pump which should be disturbed. Even in some types of vehicles, this V-belt damage can be a factor in increasing the temperature of the car.

For that always check whether the V-belt is still in good condition or needs to be replaced because there is some damage. Let it tear a little, then you should immediately replace it with a new one so it doesn’t get cut halfway.

Weak radiator fan performance

Although not all, there are many types of cars that have a V-belt and radiator fan attached. Therefore, if one of these areas experiences a decrease in performance, it will affect the performance of other fields. For example, if the V-belt is damaged or cracked, the performance of the radiator fan will also be affected.

But there are also some newer cars that use electric power on the radiator fan. So when the switch is weak it can disrupt the engine cooling cycle if it is damaged or disassembled. This condition causes the temperature of the car to rise.

Sound condition

Did you know that oil alone is not used to lubricate the engine? It turns out that the oil in the engine room functions as an insulator and coolant. Even when there is no oil in the AC compressor, the car air conditioner also overheats, which ultimately affects the engine’s performance.

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Errors in oil selection can increase the friction between the engine and metal, so this condition can cause the car’s temperature to rise. The trigger is when exposed to hot temperatures, the oil evaporates easily and ultimately protects the engine from friction.

Adjusting the thermostat

A thermostat is a device used to measure the engine temperature of a vehicle. Therefore, this component plays an important role in regulating the movement of water from the cooling system. So when the thermostat breaks down, it may be due to the temperature rise of the car.

The reason is, when this component cannot work because it is damaged, it can cause improper temperature accuracy. Once the thermostat is damaged, immediately replace it with a new one. In this way, you can address the immediate cause of the car’s temperature rise. (R10 / HR-Online)

Author: Adi Corianto

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