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Causes of Lingering Cough After a Cold: Expert Advice and Warning Signs

If you’ve just gotten over a cold, you might be glad you’re finally feeling better. But despite the fact that your energy levels are back and your sore throat is finally gone, you may still be dealing with some uncomfortable symptoms that linger. One of the annoying signs that seems to stick around even after you- you have mostly recovered is the cough. Many patients seem to complain of a cough that just won’t go away.Dr. Mallika Marshall revealed that there are several different reasons why you might be left with a persistent cough after you’ve just fought off the common cold. The good news is that most of them are nothing to worry about and can be treated with antihistamines or other prescription cough remedies. The doctor explained that some patients may feel fine otherwise but still struggle. with a post-nasal drip, or mucus running down the back of the throat. This can trigger a cough that often feels worse when you lie down. People who have just recovered from a cold may also suffer from something called post-viral cough syndrome, Dr. Marshall explained. This causes the cough receptors in the airways to become hypersensitive to things like phlegm, dust, smoke, or cold air. Fortunately, both post-prescription problems can be targeted with antihistamines or other prescription cough remedies, a advised the expert. However, patients can also suffer from other conditions following a cold.Dr. Marshall wrote to CBS News, “You could also have acute bronchitis, a viral infection that also causes wheezing and shortness of breath. And if you smoke, you’re also more likely to have a persistent cough when you catch a cold.” The doctor also warned about persistent symptoms that warrant medical attention. She added: “If your cough lasts for more than two months, or if you develop a fever, chest pain, shortness of breath or cough up blood, you should see your doctor.”Worryingly, one of the potential reasons behind the cough constant and coughing up blood could be lung cancer, according to express.co.uk. The NHS explains that there are usually no signs or symptoms of lung cancer in the early stages, quotes exquis.ro. However, the following warning signs may appear as the condition progresses:

Source: ReplicaOnline.ro

2024-02-05 00:03:36
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