KOMPAS.com – The habit of drinking sweet tea as a food companion is one of the causes a person can experience diabetes.
Citing the Ministry of Health, diabetes occurs when insulin not produced or not working properly, resulting in rates blood sugar tall.
When we eat / drink, the body breaks down carbohydrates into sugar (glucose).
Insulin produced by the pancreas will then instruct the body’s cells to absorb the glucose into energy.
Then, causes of diabetes This can arise from some of our daily habits, including:
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1. Drink sweet tea
Quoting “Sweet Tea Without Sugar” (2019) by Agus Nurjaman, S.Pd, the first cause of diabetes is sweet tea.
The high intake of sugar causes blood sugar levels soaring. Plus the risk of excess calories.
A glass of sweet tea can contain 250-300 calories (depending on concentration).
The average calorie requirement of an adult woman is 1,900 calories per day (depending on activity).
From sweet tea alone, we can get 1000-1,200 calories. Haven’t added 3 meals of rice and side dishes.
So, every day we can have excess calories.
Causes of diabetes from drinking sweet tea can also result in obesity.
Sweet tea can be replaced with water, tea without sugar, or limit sugar to no more than 2 teaspoons a day.
quote Diabetes in ControlHigh-calorie foods/drinks contribute to rapid weight gain and obesity, which are the highest risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes.
According to research, high calories from the food/drinks we consume can make the body develop systemic insulin resistance and oxidative stress.
This oxidative stress appears to trigger changes in the glucose transport protein in response to insulin, leading to insulin resistance.
Insulin resistance is a condition when the body’s cells cannot use blood sugar properly due to a disturbance in responding to insulin.
Also read: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
2. Eat fried food
Quoting “Sweet Tea Without Sugar” (2019) by Agus Nurjaman, S.Pd, the habit of eating fried foods is the next strong cause of diabetes.
That’s because the fried foods we eat contain bad cholesterol, where good cholesterol decreases.
quote Live Strongthe nature of the fat in fried foods (trans fat) is very bad for diabetics because it is high in calories.
Eating more calories than needed can lead to weight gain or excess body fat.
It can interfere with our body’s ability to use insulin effectively.
If the body does not use insulin efficiently, it can lead to chronic high blood sugar.
3. Likes to snack
Quoting “Sweet Tea Without Sugar” (2019) by Agus Nurjaman, S.Pd, we often mistakenly think that reducing the portion of lunch and dinner can prevent ourselves from obesity.
But on the contrary, because usually it actually makes us prefer snacking.
Stomach that is not full from lunch or dinner likes to be filled with snacks, such as biscuits and chips.
In fact, snack biscuits, chips, and other sweet cakes contain high carbohydrate content without adequate nutritional content.
All types of food are classified in foods with a high glycemic index which can be a cause of diabetes.
Meanwhile, the sugar and flour contained in the snack will trigger an increase in blood sugar levels which leads to diabetes.
Also read: 10 Best Drinks for Diabetics
4. Lack of sleep
Quoting “Sweet Tea Without Sugar” (2019) by Agus Nurjaman, S.Pd, lack of sleep can disrupt metabolism.
The results of research experts from the University of Chicago revealed that lack of sleep for 3 days can cause the body’s ability to process glucose to decrease drastically.
Lack of sleep can also stimulate a type of hormone in the blood that triggers appetite.
Driven by hunger, sleep deprived people will be triggered to eat high-calorie foods that make blood sugar rise.
It is recommended that adults sleep at least 6 hours a day or preferably 8 hours a day.
5. Lazy to do physical activity
Quoting “Sweet Tea Without Sugar” (2019) by Agus Nurjaman, S.Pd, lazy physical activity is the next cause of diabetes.
The World Health Organization (WHO) says diabetes cases in Asian countries will rise by 90 percent in the next 20 years.
“In the last 10 years the number of diabetics in Hanoi, Vietnam, has doubled,” said Dr Gauden Galea, WHO adviser for Non -Communicable Diseases in the Western Pacific Region.
“Why? In this city, people prefer to ride motorcycles than cycling,” he continued.
That is, people who do little physical activity have a higher risk of diabetes than those who are diligent in physical activity.
6. Often stressed
Quoting “Sweet Tea Without Sugar” (2019) by Agus Nurjaman, S.Pd, stress is another cause that can cause diabetes.
When stressed, the body will increase the production of the hormones epinephrine and cortisol so that blood sugar rises.
The body is designed so that energy reserves are available for activities.
But if stress is prolonged without end, blood sugar will also continue to be triggered to rise and that is the same as slowly killing yourself.
Also read: 12 Fruits That Diabetics Can Eat
7. Addicted to smoking
Quoting “Sweet Tea Without Sugar” (2019) by Agus Nurjaman, S.Pd, cigarettes can cause diabetes, not only cancer and heart attacks.
Research in America involving 4,572 male and female volunteers found that the risk of active smokers experiencing diabetes rose by 22 percent.
It was also mentioned that the increase in the causes of diabetes was not only caused by smoking.
But the combination of various unhealthy lifestyles, such as unhealthy diet and rarely exercise.
It is recommended to slowly leave the smoking habit by consuming sugar-free candy.
A more progressive way is hypnotherapy. Choose a hypnotherapist who is experienced and certified.
8. Using the contraceptive pill
Quoting “Sweet Tea Without Sugar” (2019) by Agus Nurjaman, S.Pd, contraceptive pills can also be a cause of diabetes.
Most birth control pills are made from a combination of the hormones estrogen and progestin.
Combination pills often cause changes in blood sugar levels that cause diabetes.
According to Dr. Dyah Purnamasari S, Sp PD from the Division of Metabolic Endocrinology RSCM, hormonal contraceptive pills work opposite to insulin action.
Thus, the pancreas is forced to work harder to produce insulin.
If left too long, the pancreas becomes tired and does not function properly.
This is what causes diabetes.
It is recommended to limit the use of hormonal pills to no more than 5 years.
Also read: 6 Diabetes Complications You Can’t Underestimate
9. Avoid the sun
Quoting “Sweet Tea Without Sugar” (2019) by Agus Nurjaman, S.Pd, the journal Diabetes Care found that women with high levels of vitamin D and calcium had the lowest risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Apart from food, the best source of vitamin D actually comes from sunlight.
Twenty minutes of exposure to the morning sun is sufficient for 3 days of vitamin D.
Several recent studies, including those published by American Journal of Epidemiologymentions that vitamin D also helps regulate metabolism, including blood sugar.
Unfortunately, many women are very avoid the sun.
It is recommended to use sunscreen cream before to avoid the side effects of sun exposure.
10. Soda addiction
Quoting “Sweet Tea Without Sugar” (2019) by Agus Nurjaman, S.Pd, excessive drinking of soda can be a cause of diabetes.
Research conducted by The Nurses’ Health Study II on 51,603 women aged 22-44 years, found that increased consumption of soft drinks made weight gain and diabetes risk increase.
Researchers say soda addiction is the cause of diabetes because of the sweetener in it.
In addition, liquid calorie intake does not make us full, so we are compelled to drink more.
It is recommended to replace soda drinks with unsweetened juices.
Also read: Be careful, these are 6 early signs of diabetes that shouldn’t be underestimated
What are the symptoms of diabetes?
quote Ministry of HealthThe most common symptoms of diabetes include:
- Feeling very thirsty
- Urinating more than usual, especially at night
- Feeling so tired
- Losing weight without doing anything
- Thrush that keeps happening
- Blurred vision
- Wounds that never heal.
What are the types of diabetes?
quote Ministry of Health, there are a number of types of diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes
The pancreas stops producing insulin, so glucose builds up in the bloodstream.
Scientists don’t know exactly why this happens, but they believe it’s genetics or a viral infection that damages insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.
About 10 percent of people have type 1 diabetes.
According to the British National Health Service, the UK’s health agency, symptoms of type 1 diabetes tend to appear in childhood or adolescence, and are more severe.
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Type 2 diabetes
The pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the hormones are not working properly.
This usually occurs in middle age or the elderly.
However, it is also experienced by young people who are overweight and sedentary, as well as people from certain ethnic backgrounds, especially South Asians.
People who are more at risk of developing type 2 diabetes are:
- Age group over 40 years (or 25 years among South Asians)
- Have a parent or sibling with diabetes
- Being overweight or obese comes from South Asian, Chinese, Caribbean-African or black Africans.
Diabetes gestational
Occurs in some pregnant women because their bodies do not produce enough insulin for themselves and their babies.
Some studies estimate that between 6 and 16 percent of pregnant women will develop gestational diabetes.
They need to control their sugar level through diet, physical activity, and/or insulin application, to prevent this from developing into type 2 diabetes.
In addition, it is also known as pre-diabetes, which is an increase in glucose in the blood and can lead to diabetes.
Also read: CDC Calls Children Vulnerable to Diabetes After Covid-19, how come?
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