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Causes and Triggers of Stroke at a Young Age

Stroke illustration. (Source: Shutterstock via Kompas.com)

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TV- Stroke is often associated with diseases that attack adults or the elderly.

However, the fact is that this disease can attack anyone, including people aged 20 to 30 years.

Not a few people in their 20s have had a stroke, even though the symptoms are mild.

Strokes at a young age usually occur due to blood vessel abnormalities, such as having cholesterol levels above normal, high blood pressure, and a family history of stroke.

Strokes at a young age are triggered by unhealthy conditions and lifestyles.

According to the Everyday Health page, a survey conducted by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that the rate of stroke among young people had increased sharply.

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The survey did not include causes of stroke, but doctors think that common stroke risks such as obesity and high blood pressure among teenagers and young adults may be major factors.

Stroke patients at a young age are more common in men than in women.

The reason is that women of reproductive age or young age still produce the hormone estrogen which naturally makes blood vessel walls better.

Meanwhile, in old age, the potential for stroke is just as great.

This is because estrogen levels in the body decrease over time.

In general, the stroke that often attacks both elderly and young patients is the ischemic (blockage) type of stroke.

The increase in the number of stroke sufferers at a young age is said to be worrying.

There are other factors or health conditions that can cause stroke at a young age.

Here are seven triggers for stroke at a young age:

1. Heart abnormalities

One of the causes of stroke at a young age is heart abnormalities.

There are several types of abnormalities that may occur, including leaks in the valves and heart membranes.

Heart defects can also be due to congenital factors or have occurred since birth.

The heart pump will be disrupted because a person has an abnormality in their heart and this can cause when blood is pumped out of the heart there will be blood remaining in the heart.

The remaining blood in the heart will later clot and have the potential to escape or escape by itself into the brain, resulting in an embolism.

Embolism is an obstacle to the flow of blood vessels in the brain which can cause stroke. This condition is commonly known as cardioembolism.

2. Blood Thickening

People who have antiphospholipid syndrome are more at risk of having a stroke.

Writer: Switzy Sabandar Editor: Deni-Muliya

Source: Compass TV

2023-10-30 16:55:00
#Triggers #Stroke #Young #Age #Watch #Kompas

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