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Causes and Treatment of Sudden Red Eyes: Everything You Need to Know

KOMPAS.com – Red eyes are often accompanied by a feeling of pain that can interfere with daily activities. However, why are the eyes suddenly red?

It turns out that red eyes can be caused by many things, including irritation and other more serious health problems.

Red eyes can generally be treated by themselves by resting and applying cold compresses. However, red eyes caused by certain health problems need to be treated medically.

For more details, find out the causes of sudden red eyes and how to overcome them below.

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Why are the eyes suddenly red?

Excerpted from Healthline and WebMD, here are the causes of sudden red eyes that you need to know.

Allergies can make eyes red and swollen. Apart from that, allergies can also be accompanied by other symptoms that make the eyes feel uncomfortable, such as itching, burning, and excessive tear production.

Some common allergens include pollen, mites, mold, animal dander, cigarette smoke and air pollution.

Dry eye is a condition in which the eye is unable to produce fluids or has fluids that evaporate more quickly.

Apart from making the eyes red, this condition also causes pain, excessive tear production, tired eyes, and blurred vision.

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Inflammation of the conjunctiva or conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is a condition in which the conjunctiva becomes inflamed. The conjunctiva is the membrane that covers the inside of the eyelids and the whites of the eyes.

This condition will cause the eyes to look red and are often accompanied by other symptoms, such as itching, burning, and festering eyes.

Conjunctivitis caused by a viral or bacterial infection can be passed on to other people.

Inflammation of the eyelids or blepharitis

Blepharitis is a condition in which the eyelids become inflamed. This condition will make the eyelids or eyes look red and swollen.

Apart from making the eyes look red, this condition can also affect the growth of eyelashes to blurred vision, if not treated immediately.

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Red eyes can be caused by damage to blood vessels that are under the surface of the eyeball.

This condition can be caused by various things, such as sneezing that is too loud, lifting weights, or the habit of rubbing your eyes.

Even so, this condition is generally not a serious medical problem and is not accompanied by pain in the eye area.

Damage to the optic nerve or glaucoma

Glaucoma is caused by a buildup of fluid in the front of the eye. The accumulated fluid can put additional pressure on the eye causing damage to the optic nerve.

Glaucoma is generally painless, but it can cause blindness in people over the age of 60 if left untreated.

Peradangan pada episklera atau episkleritis

Episcleritis is inflammation of the episclera, which is the thin transparent tissue above the white part of the eye.

This condition will occur when the blood vessels in the episclera become irritated or inflamed so that the eyes look red.

This condition has similar symptoms to conjunctivitis, but episcleritis is generally not accompanied by pus production in the eye.

Eye injuries can cause irritation or bleeding, making them look red.

In addition, an injured eye is accompanied by other symptoms, such as pain, swelling, difficulty moving the eyeball, and decreased vision.

Red eyes are generally not a serious medical problem and can heal over time.

However, some health problems can also cause red eyes, so they need to be treated medically.

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How to deal with suddenly red eyes

Red eyes can be treated alone so that the symptoms that appear can be reduced. There are several ways to deal with sudden red eyes, such as:

Compressing the eyes with cold compresses several times a day until the symptoms are relieved Taking medications to reduce red eyes and relieve swelling or discomfort that appears, such as antihistamines and ibuprofen Instill eye drops to clean the eyes from dust or other irritants Avoiding irritants until the eyes are no longer red Wash your hands regularly and avoid touching your eyes when your hands are dirty Avoid using makeup or contact lenses until the symptoms are relieved Reduce the time spent staring at screens, including television and gadgets, as this can dry out your eyes and exacerbate other symptoms

Some of these methods can be tried to relieve red eyes that are experienced.

However, you are advised to seek medical help immediately when red eyes are accompanied by other symptoms, such as pain and visual disturbances.

Further tests will be carried out to find out why the eyes are suddenly red and you can immediately get the treatment and medication needed.

Also read: 3 causes of sore and watery eyes when you wake up

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2023-09-04 13:00:00
#Eyes #Suddenly #Red #Overcome #Kompas.com

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