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Causes and Treatment of Insomnia: Chronic vs Temporary Insomnia, Lifestyle Habits for Better Sleep

Fatima Khalil wrote Thursday, January 4, 2024 11:00 PM

Insomnia It is a sleep disorder characterized by poor quality or quantity of sleep and decreased ability to perform daytime activities. It is the characteristic symptom of insomnia. People who suffer from insomnia find it difficult to fall asleep or have difficulty staying asleep. In this report, we learn about the difference between chronic and temporary insomnia and its causes and treatment, according to southern.website

Causes of insomnia

Many people experience temporary (or acute) insomnia, which lasts for a few days or weeks, at some point in their lives. However, some people experience persistent (or chronic) insomnia, which lasts for a month or more.

Temporary insomnia

Many cases of insomnia are due to temporary problems or stress, including the following:
-jet lag
-Physical discomfort
-Working late or early can disrupt your circadian rhythm – the body’s internal clock
-Stressful life situations, such as divorce, death of a loved one, loss of a job, or concerns about work, school, health, or family
-Caring for children who suffer from colic or other health problems
-Smoking cigarettes
-Drink caffeine before going to bed
-Eat a lot of food late in the evening
-Certain types of medications.

Persistent insomnia

Persistent insomnia is often caused by underlying chronic medical or psychiatric conditions and poor sleep habits. Poor sleep habits include an irregular sleep schedule, using the bedroom for activities other than sleep, eating or exercising right before bed, sleeping in a room with too much noise or light, or doing work in bed. Several medical conditions that may cause insomnia include:
-Breathing problems, for example. Asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
-Congestive heart failure
Acid reflux (heartburn)
-Urinary tract problems (such as urinary incontinence)
-Chronic pain, for example. Rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia
-Parkinson’s disease
Psychological conditions associated with insomnia include:
Post-traumatic stress disorder.
Sleep-related disorders that can cause insomnia include:
Sleep and apnea
Restless leg syndrome
Circadian sleep disturbance (i.e. sleep timing does not match the body’s “biological clock”).
Treating insomnia includes following lifestyle habits that help improve sleep, such as going to bed every day at the same time, waking up at a specific time every day, and not drinking caffeine before bedtime.

2024-01-04 21:00:00

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