Some suffer from bad breath, which embarrasses them and prompts them to wash teeth Continually, but to no avail, the odor from the mouth remains repugnant.
According to the Mayo Clinic, there’s more than one reason that can cause bad breath in the mouth, often on the back of the tongue, and there are preventative measures that protect and treat this problem.
Causes and solutions of bad breath
Oral health can be the underlying cause of bad breath, and taking the following preventative measures is often your best bet:
Mouthwash and toothpaste
And resort to lye and paste if the cause of mouth odor is bacterial buildup on your teeth, to get rid of the germs, which cause plaque buildup.
Learn how to cure bad breath#Saudi_Society_for_periodontal_diseases_and_surgery— Saudi Society of Periodontology (@saudiperio) January 3, 2022
dental disease
But if you suffer from gum disease at the time of bad breath, the problem may be due to the gums retreating from the teeth, which forms deep pockets filled with odor-causing bacteria.
Sometimes the fillings or dental restorations have been damaged and the solution is therefore to replace the dental restorations or remove their damaged fillings, which are a breeding ground for bacteria, and refill them.
General tips for reducing and preventing bad breath
Brush your teeth
Keep teeth clean after every meal eaten, preferably if the toothpaste used contains fluoride, and this is done at least twice a day.
Dental floss
Dental floss is used to remove food debris and tartar between the teeth, at least once a day.
Tongue brushing
The tongue is a haven for bacteria, so cleaning it, either with a scraper or a toothbrush, is very important, especially for those whose tongues are full of bacteria from smoking or dry mouth.
Avoid dry mouth
The wetter the mouth, the less the possibility of unpleasant odors, as well as avoid tobacco, coffee, soda or alcohol and others that lead to dry mouth.
Adjust your diet
There are foods that cause bad breath, such as onions and garlic, and are best avoided if you plan to meet someone.
Renew the brush regularly
It is preferable to change the worn brush, and renew it in about three or four months, and choose the one with soft hair.
Periodic examination by doctors
If the exam is to ensure the health of the mouth or to clean it, it is preferable to visit a doctor teeth At least twice a year.