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Cause, Risk Factors, and Early Detection of Breast Cancer: What You Need to Know

What Causes Breast Cancer

Until now the exact cause of breast cancer is not known.
What is known are the risk factors that can increase
the occurrence of breast cancer, namely:

  • Smoking and being exposed to secondhand smoke (passive smoke)
  • Giving birth to the first child after the age of 35 years
  • Menopause (stopping menstruation) after the age of 50 years
  • First menstruation at the age of less than 12 years
  • Have had an operation on the breast caused by an abnormality
    tumor jinak or tumor ganas.
  • Never breastfeed a child
  • Among the family members there are those who suffer from breast cancer
  • Poor diet (high in fat and low in fiber, contains preservatives/dyes)

Early detection of breast cancer can be done by:

  • BE AWARE OF YOUR OWN Breast Examination
  • SADANIS CLINICAL Breast Examination

Aim to find lumps and other signs in the breast as early as possible so that action can be taken as soon as possible. No matter how small a lump is found, immediately consult a doctor. Delaying means giving cancer cells a chance to develop and reducing the chance of recovery

Why Should You Do BSE?
Because we know or know ourselves better, if changes occur we will know about it from the start.
If during BSE you find a lump or change in the breast (compared to the situation in the previous month) immediately consult a doctor.

When is BSE carried out?

BSE is carried out once a month after menstruation has finished, since the woman started having her first menstruation or at the age of 12 years.

Remember: If cancer can be found early (with a small tumor size of less than 1 cm) and treated quickly and appropriately, the hope of recovery is almost 100%. The use of hormonal drugs must be as recommended by a doctor.

Visit social media Indonesian Non-Communicable Diseases to get other important information.

2024-01-20 11:19:55
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