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Cause for beatification of Don Giussani, the first phase has opened

(ANSA) – MILAN, 09 MAY – Today during the celebration of the Vespers of the Ascension, in the Basilica of Sant’Ambrogio in Milan, Archbishop Mario Delpini opened the first public session of the “testimonial phase for the cause of beatification and canonization of the Servant of God Luigi Giussani”, founder of Communion and Liberation. Over a thousand people participated in the event, and another eight thousand followed it in live streaming on the website of the diocese of Milan. “How fascinating is the charism in the Church” said Monsignor Delpini. “All those who have encountered the charisma of Don Luigi must give thanks precisely for this: because the Church in its ancient truth has had this new splendor”. “On behalf of the entire Communion and Liberation movement, I express great joy and profound gratitude for Archbishop Delpini, Monsignor Apeciti, the postulator Professor Chiara Minelli and all the people involved in the cause so far and those who will be from now on” Davide Prosperi, president of Cl, said on the sidelines of the event. “We are naturally very grateful – he added – also to Pope Francis, for the attention and esteem he has repeatedly expressed, even publicly, for the figure of Don Giussani and for the path that the movement is making in this period. Now the main task to which we are called is to intensify our prayers for the good of the cause, in the hope of soon being able to see the Servant of God Don Giussani numbered among the blessed and saints of the Church”. “Don Giussani – Prosperi recalled – taught us that the saint is not a superman but a true man, who ‘adheres to God and therefore to the ideal for which his heart was built, and of which his destiny is constituted of him'”. (HANDLE).

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#beatification #Don #Giussani #phase #opened
– 2024-05-09 17:39:14

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