Caterina Balivo, the great presenter from Campania and her strong statements about Clerici.
Two great professionals, plus two supervisors much loved by the Italian public or two extremely beautiful women completeboth on the floor working That private e victorious. That’s how we could explain it for sure Caterina Balivo That Antonella Clerici. The first back on tv after he decided to take time for himself and his family.
When, several years ago, at the end of the last episode of the season of come to meafter making this confession to viewers, he was in tears, as were his trusted colleagues. Then we respected her as a judge at the Masked Singerwhere he proved great study skills. She has always been very active on social media, especially to talk to us about books.
As for hosting, we found her on La 7 and TV8. In the first case with Lingoand, in the second, he won us over with reality TV cHi does he want to marry my mother?which also happened then extended to fathers. Anyway, after several appearances in Rai lounges, there were rumors that he returned to TV and did so with The Good Hour. However, it does not achieve very good results.
Although she is very good, she cannot surpass him, in proportion, Men and Womenapart from Beautiful and other soap operas, mostly Turkish, which Mediaset has recently focused on. Despite this, she never lost her smile and on social media she continued to give many views to her fans.
Caterina Balivo travels free on Antonella Clerici
Donna white e hungry He also has a peppery personality and has no problem telling the truth. Let’s just say that he does not mince his words. And, in this name, she had no problem saying exactly what she was thinking Antonella Clerici. Certainly no one, least of all his fans from the first show, would expect it now words like that on your part.
Instead she had no qualms about releasing them over a long period of time an open-hearted interview given to the journalist Elvira Serra al Corrie Della Sera. So, as he was preparing to do, as he tells us Fanpage.ita kind of balance of almost 25 years of career, also to mention the elegant Antonellina.

“Make that program d…”, the presenter does not hold back
“The truth is that I am grateful for the work I love to do and I don’t think that anyone should give me more. After that, at the age of 25, I was drivingthe same time slot as today and then I could say: “You stayed there”. But then I look at the other guests and I realize that TV is old, too Clerici has been doing that program for twenty years and the one From Philippi evening from 25“, announced the Bailiff.
Last but not least. he also sent, cast covered cemeteries again to the two colleagues: “They have gone on to do other things too but they are at a different age than me: there is time“. In short, despite Catherine happy with the work he does at Rai, he seems to want to a new story at the program level, with the definition you used old tv. And who knows, maybe all this will happen sooner or later.
2024-10-28 18:03:00
#Caterina #Balivo #great #words #flying #Clerici #program..