Top tech news, from new YouTube features to year-end safe online shopping tips

Top tech news, from new YouTube features to year-end safe online shopping tips

Jakarta: summarizes the most popular tech news or most read news on Saturday, December 17, 2022 that readers may have missed. Below, presents a summary of each of the most popular tech news stories accompanied by links you can access to access the complete news story of the three most popular tech … Read more

Hubble and James Webb discover two aquatic planets outside the solar system

Hubble and James Webb discover two aquatic planets outside the solar system

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and James Webb managed to uncover more infinite secrets of the universe, as each managed to reveal the existence of two planets outside the solar system which are considered aquatic planets, due to the large area of water covering these two planets. Astronomers have previously discovered more than 5,000 planets outside … Read more

iPhone 11 specifications, is it still worth it towards 2023?

iPhone 11 specifications, is it still worth it towards 2023?

Reporter: Makruf| Publisher: Makruf| Sunday 12-18-2022, 17:11 WIB iPhone 11 specs, image by Aixlusiv from Pixabay– LJAKARTA, FIN.CO.ID – Are you still looking for iPhone 11 specs because you only have the budget now? Well, you come to the right place. But before we go there, the question is: is it still worth buying the … Read more